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To help improve the services offered, the users may do the following:

  • Receive special attention to their information needs, concerns, questions, etc. with regard to the services offered by the unit.
  • Give their opinion on the quality of the services offered by the unit.
  • Make suggestions for improvement.
  • Make a formal complaint when services provided prove unsatisfactory.


  • Telephone: 96 386 41 00
  • Mailing address: Avinguda Tarongers s/n, 46022 València
  • Fax: 96 382 85 96
  • E-mail:
  • Help desk: The Secretary's Office of the Facultat de Dret is open during office hours (9am - 2pm, Monday to Friday, and 4pm - 6pm
    Monday and Tuesday, except June, July, September and holiday periods).
  • Complaints, suggestions and compliments mailbox
  • Surveys