The Environmental Remote Sensing Group of the University of Valencia (UV-ERS) (formerly, Remote Sensing Research Unit, UIT) started its activities in 1979 with the award of a NASA project to study Mediterranean agricultural areas using measurements from satellite HCMM. Since then, and uninterruptedly, we have developed physical models and operational methodologies for the study of vegetation cover through satellite imagery, using data mostly plot the solar spectrum. The possibility of deriving operationally a large number of essential climate variables allows characterization of the state of vegetation cover at local, regional and global levels, and to study processes of mass and energy exchanges in the vegetation-atmosphere system. These essential variables are particularly relevant in the current context of assessment of the climate system. The analysis of image-derived time series covering decades provides further quantitative information on the temporal evolution of the system. The expertise of the UV-ERS has a wide national and international recognition, with more than 20 research projects funded in the last 20 years and a large number of publications in peer-reviewed high...The Environmental Remote Sensing Group of the University of Valencia (UV-ERS) (formerly, Remote Sensing Research Unit, UIT) started its activities in 1979 with the award of a NASA project to study Mediterranean agricultural areas using measurements from satellite HCMM. Since then, and uninterruptedly, we have developed physical models and operational methodologies for the study of vegetation cover through satellite imagery, using data mostly plot the solar spectrum. The possibility of deriving operationally a large number of essential climate variables allows characterization of the state of vegetation cover at local, regional and global levels, and to study processes of mass and energy exchanges in the vegetation-atmosphere system. These essential variables are particularly relevant in the current context of assessment of the climate system. The analysis of image-derived time series covering decades provides further quantitative information on the temporal evolution of the system. The expertise of the UV-ERS has a wide national and international recognition, with more than 20 research projects funded in the last 20 years and a large number of publications in peer-reviewed high impact factor journals in the Remote Sensing category. Our research activities (identified by the acronym of the project funded by The European Commission or Spanish funding agencies) have covered the study of desertification in the Mediterranean basin (EFEDA, MEDALUS), the recovery of burned areas cover (CEAM, LUCIFER), the study of desertification and degradation processes (Study Desertification in Spain. Stage I, HISPASED, IDEAS, TEDECVA, DeSurvey), and the estimation of carbon flux exchange between atmosphere and vegetation (ÁRTEMIS, RESET CLIMATE). Internationally, the UV-ERS has renowned expertise in processing and analysis of remote sensing data, as evidenced by its current partnership in research clusters of excellence (LSA SAF) and EU-FP projects (DeSurvey, ERMES).This research group is in charge of developing operational algorithms for estimating the vegetation parameters, including the operational implementation of prototypes, product analysis and scientific validation of the same-in the context network of centers of excellence called SAF (Satellite Application Facilities) of EUMETSAT. Specifically, the goal of LSA SAF (Satellite Application Facilities on Land Surface Analysis) is to design algorithms and process data and provide vegetation products for, primarily, to the community of climatologists and meteorologists, through the synergistic use of EUMETSAT systems of new generation: the MSG (Meteosat Second Generation, Meteosat 8 -10) and the EPS (European Polar System), first European weather satellite orbiting Polar (MetOp series).
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- Desarrollo de metodología para estimar diversas variables climáticas esenciales (parámetros biofísicos y PAR) a partir de imágenes de satélite
- Estimación de flujos de carbono utilizando imágenes de satélite
- Estudio de la dinámica de la vegetación a partir de series temporales. Interrelaciones clima-vegetación
- Caracterización espectral de superficies naturales mediante espectroscopia de campo y modelos de reflectividad. Diseño de índices de vegetación
- Uso sinérgico de los programas actuales de observación de la Tierra
- Integración de datos procedentes de misiones actuales de observación de la tierra. The goal is to combine different satellite data, particularly to exploit a synergistic use of actual remotely sensing programs. This offers a great potential for updating the production of vegetation parameters in quasi-real-time for applications.
- Calibración y validación (CAL/VAL) de productos derivados de satélite. The calibration and validation of products allows quantifying the accuracy and quality of the satellite derived products in order to provide us a temporal and spatial consistency against reference values and existing satellite products.
- Índices de vegetación. Design of new vegetation indices relying on the use of canopy reflectance models as well as on field and laboratory spectroscopy. Vegetation indices are the most used parameters to study vegetation from remotely sensed data.
- Modelización de variables climáticas esenciales (parámetros biofísicos). The main purpose is to take full advantage of remotely sensed data to map Essential Climate Variables (ECVs): LAI, FAPAR, PAR, canopy water content, biomass and land cover and/or ecosystem functional type. Maps of ECVs are produced from EO reflectance and other auxiliary data.
- Estimación de flujos de carbono utilizando imágenes de satélite. Carbon fluxes are obtained using an ecosystem functional model with its inputs derived from remote sensed data and adapted for the enviromental conditions of the study area. The carbon fixed by vegetation through photosynthesis depends on the light use efficiency, which is affected by water stress.
- Dinámica de la vegetación. Análisis de series temporales y detección de cambios. Methodologies for the processing and analysis of time series using biophysical parameters and vegetation indices are developed to quantify changes. Vegetation dynamics is analyzed in terms of the intra-annual and inter-annual variability, which are related with vegetation phenology and trends.
- Espectroscopía de campo. Spectral characterization of natural surfaces is carried out by measuring the irradiance and radiance in the field by means of spectrorradiometers to obtain the bidirectional reflectance factor. It is used to better understand the nature of the interaction of solar radiation with Earth surface.
- Climatología desde satélites. Application of remote sensing techniques in the study of climatic processes, especially those related to radiation, energy and water balances on the Earth's surface
Nombre | Carácter de la participación | Entidad | Descripción |
María Amparo Gilabert Navarro | Director-a | UVEG-Valencia | Catedràtic-a d'Universitat |
Equip d'investigació | |||
Manuel Campos Taberner | Membre | UVEG-Valencia | Professor-a Ajudant-a Doctor-a |
Francisco Javier García Haro | Membre | UVEG-Valencia | Catedràtic-a d'Universitat |
Adrián Jimenez Guisado | Membre | UVEG-Valencia | Investigador-a en Formació Predoctoral FPU |
Beatriz Martínez Díaz | Membre | UVEG-Valencia | Professor-a Ajudant-a Doctor-a |
Sergio Sánchez Ruiz | Membre | UVEG-Valencia | Investigador-a doctor-a UVEG Senior |
Fernando Camacho de Coca | Col·laborador-a | UVEG-Valencia | Professor-a Associat-da |
Ernesto López Baeza | Col·laborador-a | UVEG-Valencia | Professor-a Honorari-a |
Fabio Maselli | Col·laborador-a | ITA-CNR | Investigador-a |
Equip de Treball | |||
Alvaro Moreno Martínez | Equip de Treball | UVEG-Valencia | Investigador-a doctor-a UVEG Senior |