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Grupo de investigación en envejecimiento y ejercicio - FRESHAGE

Referencia del grupo:


Descripción de la actividad investigadora:
Our group started originally over forty years ago. A major founding milestone was the postgraduate study of Dr Jose Viña with the late Sir Hans Krebs at the University of Oxford. This has led the whole Group to a "metabolic-oriented approach to problems" as it could not be otherwise stemming from Sir Hans Krebs.Upon his return to Spain, Dr Viña started a small group in the University of Valencia that has been working, on and off, for the last thirty-five years. Sometimes Dr Viña was away from the University of Valencia, but the seed of the Group had been sown.Very seriously established scientists like Dr Federico Pallardo, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine - University of Valencia, Dr Juan Sastre, Dr Jose Estrella, Dr Guillermo Saez, all of them professors of biochemistry or physiology at the University of Valencia, the late Dr Navarro, University of Cadiz and Dr Juan Llopis, University of Albacete started their scientific work in this group and latar established their own successful independent groups.Some twenty years ago the major hard-core members of the Group in its present form came to the laboratory and these include Dr Ana Lloret, Dr Carmen Gomez-Cabrera and Dr Consuelo...Our group started originally over forty years ago. A major founding milestone was the postgraduate study of Dr Jose Viña with the late Sir Hans Krebs at the University of Oxford. This has led the whole Group to a "metabolic-oriented approach to problems" as it could not be otherwise stemming from Sir Hans Krebs.Upon his return to Spain, Dr Viña started a small group in the University of Valencia that has been working, on and off, for the last thirty-five years. Sometimes Dr Viña was away from the University of Valencia, but the seed of the Group had been sown.Very seriously established scientists like Dr Federico Pallardo, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine - University of Valencia, Dr Juan Sastre, Dr Jose Estrella, Dr Guillermo Saez, all of them professors of biochemistry or physiology at the University of Valencia, the late Dr Navarro, University of Cadiz and Dr Juan Llopis, University of Albacete started their scientific work in this group and latar established their own successful independent groups.Some twenty years ago the major hard-core members of the Group in its present form came to the laboratory and these include Dr Ana Lloret, Dr Carmen Gomez-Cabrera and Dr Consuelo Borras. All the three are now very well established scientists and form the backbone of the Group. Other permanent members include Dr Juan Gambini, Dr Marta Ingles, and Dr Gloria Olaso. For over twenty years we have been blessed by the help of Marilyn Noyes; she has been integrated in the Group for all these years and we hope for many more to come.Our collaborations with many colleagues, indeed friends, in Spain are so frequent that we would not like to highlight any of them. We are delighted to have all these friends around the country.We have established close connections with other labs around the world. Some examples include the labs of Dr Giovanni E Mann and of Dr Malcolm Jackson in the UK, Dr Giuseppe Poli in Italy, Dr Helmut Sies and Dr Tilman Grune in Germany, Drs Delamarche in France, Drs Boveris and Dr Fraga in Argentina and Dr Bruce Ames, Dr Packer, Dr Orr and Dr Li Li Ji in the US.There is a continuous renewal of our Group and we are happy to have had temporary members in the team from Spain, not only from Valencia, but also from France, Italy, Portugal, Morocco, Argentina, Sahara, or Japan. The names of Dr Frédéric Derbré, Dr Gaetano Serviddio, Dr Diana Rus, Dr Jelena Marcovic, Dr Nancy Mora and Dr Mika Jikamaru are just a few examples of this international collaboration. These have been indeed very interesting people who have come to us and have contributed to the pleasant spirit of this team. We consider ourselves as a "scientific family" and hope we will continue contributing to biomedical research and enjoying life at our laboratory.
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Objetivos cientificotécnicos:
  • Pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s: Determine the intercellular mechanisms of toxicity of amyloid beta, its interaction with mitochondrial metabolism, and its consequences in cell signalling. More information: http://www.uv.es/freshage/pathophysiology-of-alzheimer.htm
  • Exercise: we were especially concerned with the role of exercise in the prevention of muscle wasting associated with immobilization as well as age (sarcopaenia). More information:http://www.uv.es/freshage/exercise.htm
  • Ageing: Our major aim is identifying longevity-related genes, finding ways of upregulating these genes by physiological, nutritional, and pharmacological intervention and determining how to promote healthy ageing. More information: http://www.uv.es/freshage/ageing.htm
Líneas de investigación:
  • Fisiopatología de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. To determine the intercellular mechanisms of toxicity of amyloid beta, its interaction with mitochondrial metabolism and its consequences in cell signalling. Our idea is that Alzheimer’s and Tau toxicities are related and that free radicals play a major signalling role in this process.
  • Ejercicio. Our major aim was originally to test whether free radicals associated with exercise could lead to damage in muscle and to protect these muscles by various interventions such as training and nutrition.
  • Envejecimiento. Our major aim now is identifying longevity-related genes, finding ways of upregulating these genes by physiological, nutritional, and pharmacological intervention and determining how to promote healthy ageing.
Componentes del grupo:
Nombre Carácter de la participación Entidad Descripción
José Viña RibesDirector-a UVEG-Valencia Catedràtic-a d'Universitat
Equip d'investigació
Consuelo Borrás BlascoMembre UVEG-Valencia Catedràtic-a d'Universitat
Juan Gambini BuchónMembre UVEG-Valencia Titular d'Universitat
Esther García DomínguezMembre UVEG-Valencia Investigador-a en Formació Predoctoral FPU
Consolación García LucergaMembre UVEG-Valencia Titular d'Universitat
M. Carmen Gómez CabreraMembre UVEG-Valencia Catedràtic-a d'Universitat
Marta Ingles de la TorreMembre UVEG-Valencia Titular d'Universitat
Ana Lloret AlcañizMembre UVEG-Valencia Titular d'Universitat
Gloria Olaso GonzálezMembre UVEG-Valencia Professor-a Contractat-da Doctor-a
Kristine Bakklund StromsnesMembre UVEG-Valencia Investigador-a contractat-ada predoctoral Santiago Grisolía
Aitor Carretero MartínezCol·laborador-a CIBER-FES Investigador-a
Eva Serna GarcíaCol·laborador-a UVEG-Valencia Titular d'Universitat