Introduction and Applications
1.1 The energy system: present and future.
1.2 Importance of energy storage - flexibility needs and the role of battery storage.
1.3 Introduction to batteries.
1.4 Battery storage: potential and applications and challenges.
1.5 Battery Energy Storage: Grid-Scale.
1.6 Battery Energy Storage: Behind the meter.
1.7 Battery Energy Storage: Electrical Mobility.
1.8 Battery Energy Storage: Industrial Applications.
Electrochemical Concepts
2.1 Electrochemical concepts behind batteries.
Battery technologies and raw materials
3.1 Current Battery Technologies.
3.2 Emerging battery Technologies.
3.3 Raw materials.
Production and manufacturing of batteries
4.1 Production and manufacturing.
Battery Management
5.1 Introduction to Power Electronic Converters.
5.2 Power conversion and efficiency in battery system.
Battery connection and control
6.1 Power electronics and grid connection.
6.2 Battery management systems.
Battery testing and modeling
7.1 Battery testing.
7.2 Modeling, control and simulation of batteries.
Batteries end-of-life: Reuse and recycling
8.1 Batteries end of life: Reuse and recycling.
Battery storage: Business models, market and regulation
9.1 Business Modeling.
9.2 Investment scenarios and business models for battery energy storage systems.
9.3 European Legislation and Policy.
9.4 Cost assessment of battery-based storage solutions.
9.5 Business Models and Business examples.
Trabajo Final de Máster
The contents of the Master's Thesis will be different depending on the specific objectives of the project to be carried out.
The subject of the Master's thesis can be all those that are specific to the Master's studies. In particular, all kinds of systems and devices may be designed, using any procedure as current engineering allows.
The Master's Thesis may also include research and development work, as well as and the theoretical or numerical modeling of systems and their components.
It may also be considered as subjects of the Master's Thesis may also include studies related to the contents of the Degree and related to equipment, factories, installations, services, planning, management or operation.
Therefore, the contents of the the subject will be different depending on the specific Master's thesis selected by the student.