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Premi Mavi Dolç i Gastaldo als treballs audiovisuals sobre igualtat lingüística i plurilingüisme, 2017
Mavi Dolç Award 2017

Mavi Dolç i Gastaldo Award to the audiovisual works about linguistic equality and multilingualism, 2017

The Language Policy Service wants to boost the production of audiovisual works that contribute to achieve the linguistic rights of Valencian and to promote the multilinguistic values in all areas, paying special attention to academic teaching.

Call 2017


The purpose of this call is the allowance of an award, dedicated to professor Mavi Dolç i Gastaldo, to audiovisual works that contribute to achieve the linguistic rights of Valencian and to promote the multilinguistic values in all areas, paying special attention to academic teaching.

Candidates and requirements

The candidate teams have to be formed or at least headed by students enrolled or active staff of the Universitat de València and of any other university integrated in the Xarxa Vives.

Application forms and deadline:

The submission period will start the following day of the publication of this call on the website of the Official Journal of the Valencian Government (DOGV) and it will end within five calendar months, as of the day after the publication of the call in the DOGV.

The awards participation request must be presented, preferably, through the form present in: http://www.spluv.es/premimavidolç .

If there is any technical problem, works can be preferably presented in the Language Policy Service (St. Serpies, 29, Beatriu Civera Building, 2nd floor, 46022 Valencia). For that, this request must be filled and accompanied by the CV of who is presenting the work or the head and members of the group presenting the work; the receipts accrediting that at least the head of the project is enrolled or working at the Universitat de València or at any other university of the Xarxa Vives, and the work which is presenting reordered on a USB or DVD, in DVD-ROM format. Works can also be presented in any of the registers of the Universitat de València or in the records provided legally.

Monetary award:

Award: €2,500.

Secondary award: until five secondary awards with an overall maximum of €500. The determination of the monetary award of the secondary awards will be calculated by dividing the €500 between the number of secondary awards given. The award and the secondary awards can be declared null.


Date From 3 march 2017 to 4 september 2017. 24h. Friday.


SPL, carrer del Serpis, 29, Edifici Beatriu Civera, 2a planta, València

Organized by

Servei de Política Lingüística.



Contact dinamitza@valencia.edu

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