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Study at the Faculty of Economics: professionalisation and employability guarantee

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Our goal is that you achieve your dreams

La Nau dels Estudiants i les Estudiantes
Prezi and Powerpoint presentations

Open registration. Course of La Nau dels Estudiants i les Estudiantes, edition September 2017.

The mass use of some of some computer tools makes us reflect on how capable of exploit them we are. We discover that it is not that way one we go deep in their functions.

This course aims to exploit all the potential of two applications to make presentations: Prezi and Powerpoint. The course is given by Ariadna Fuertes y Arturo Saez, professors of the Department of Computing.

The course will offer the tools to make presentations of works and projects through the use of Prezi and Powerpoint; planning and elaboration of presentations; slide creation; slide transitions and animations; graphics integration and files.

MODALITY: POn-site workshop, 20 hours.

LANGUAGE: Spanish / Valencian.

LOCATION: Taongers Campus.

DATES AND SCHEDULES: From 4 to 7 September 2017 from 15.30 to 20:30.

ROOMS: Available soon.


DEADLINE: From 19 June to 31 August 2017


Date From 19 june 2017 to 31 august 2017. 24h. Every day.


Tarongers Campus

Organized by

SeDI. Delegación del Rector para Estudiantes.



Contact nauest@uv.es

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