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La Facultat d’Economia welcomes Prof. Simon P. Anderson (University of de Virgínia (USA)

  • June 12th, 2017
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Prof. Simon P. Anderson, specialised in Industrial Economics, has been invited by VLC/CAMPUS, International Campus of Excellence.

The Economics and ERI-CES’ Faculty welcome, from 10 June to 10 August 2017, Professor Simon P. Anderson (University of Virginia) as an invited researcher within the framework of the “Talent Attraction” programme of the VLC/CAMPUS Valencia, International Campus of Excellence.
Professor Anderson, specialised in Industrial Economics, will exchange impressions and knowledge with students of the doctoral programme and researchers regarding the different topics in Economics in which he has worked: CV Simon P. Anderson

Prof.  Amparo Urbano and Prof. Irene Comeig, will organise different meetings and workshops to gather researchers from both the Universitat de València and other European universities. Please, contact Professor Comeig (Irene.comeig@uv.es) if you are interested in these meetings.