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The challenges of urban mobility regulation and the New Urban Agenda. Andrés Boix Palop

  • 5 julio de 2019
Urban Mobility

The challenges of urban mobility regulation and the New Urban Agenda

22 Pages Posted:

Andrés Boix-Palop

University of Valencia - Universitat de València Estudi General

Date Written: June 30, 2019


The objectives set by the United Nations New Urban Agenda pose important challenges to the traditional regulation of urban mobility in our cities. Regardless of the region of the world in question and its level of development, the goals established by the Agenda expose the importance of improving urban mobility regulation. Therefore, some traditional regulatory approaches need to be modified or intensified, which is potentially difficult in certain cases. In addition, and complicating the matter further – as well as being more interesting from an academic perspective – the disruptive emergence of new agents and market niches related to urban transportation (such as digital sharing platforms) and new forms of mobility (such as electric mobility) will force certain new solutions to be adopted sooner rather than later. This paper tries to explore both phenomena and assess how traditional regulation of urban mobility is evolving altogether with a brief analysis of how different legal regimes are dealing with the effects of digital platforms on urban mobility.

Keywords: urban mobility, mobility, cities, urban agenda, new urban agenda

JEL Classification: K23, K32, R40, R41, R42, R48, R38, R52, R58

Suggested Citation:

Boix-Palop, Andrés, The challenges of urban mobility regulation and the New Urban Agenda (June 30, 2019). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=



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