Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

The writer of a request can modify the flow of the request recipients by clicking on 'Modify flow', in the drop-down menu on the top right. This option will only be displayed when the request is not finalised, archived or rejected.

Those users who have already carried out some action for the signature cannot be removed from the flow. The request status is re-evaluated after the modification.

Check the following example: the flow of a request involving 4 signers (of which only 2 have already signed) is modified to remove from the process the signers who have not signed yet. This modification is saved. Then the request would be considered finished (as there are no signatures left).

Once the request flow has been modified, a notification will be sent to all recipients indicating this modification. Click on the link in the notification to open a pop-up window where modifying the recipients of the request.