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A bank of tools and proposals based on pedagogical narrative.

To help future teachers become aware that the practical professional knowledge of experienced teachers is an important reference in the construction of their own professional knowledge.

Assessment and educational intervention in specific learning disorders and comorbidities

This line aims to improve our knowledge of specific learning disorders and their comorbidities throughout life, as well as the design and analysis of the effectiveness of evidence-based prevention and intervention programmes.

Assessment of student progress

Analysis of results and evaluation through the design and application of rubrics in relation to the objectives and skills expected to be developed.

Attention to functional diversity through Movement with Music

The aim of this line of research is to analyse the impact of musicalised movement and corporal expression practices on pupils with functional diversity in Early Childhood Education. This analysis will allow university lecturers to develop methodological proposals with the appropriate tools to improve the motor skills of these pupils, thus favouring the training of future Early Childhood Education lecturers by enabling them to start researching and verifying the usefulness of the proposed practices in the practical didactic approaches of the university classroom. At the same time, the aim is to develop rehabilitation programmes for gross and fine motor problems in infant education pupils, in which traditional physiotherapy proposals are combined with appropriate musical elements, so as to enhance the expected results and establish new inter- and multidisciplinary lines of action for motor functional diversity.

Audiovisual coeducation, gender, semiotics and cultural studies

Audiovisual coeducation, gender, semiotics and cultural studies. Critical analysis of audiovisual culture and its coeducational dimension. Meaning and codification of gender in audiovisual discourses. Media interpellation: processes of identification and subjectivation.

Bases and dimensions of diversity in educational accountability

The need to attend to the bases and all the dimensions in which people' diversity is presented both in the studies related to their own integral formation and that of their world of relationships with the other people they meet and their context. Studies and research aimed at improving human relations where diversity is a fundamental value of development and where personal and group or contextual differences favour the richness of any educational and social action.

Bodies, genders and sexualities: social representations and practices

Study of the effects of biopower applied to the analysis of bodies, genders and sexualities. Social construction of health and illness.

Caring for people with chronic conditions

Study of the implications of caring for people with chronic conditions on the health of caregivers. Variables of vulnerability and protection. Application of intervention programmes for caregivers to prevent or improve their health.

Childhood and gender

Analysis of the role of practices, methods and techniques in the field of social intervention in the production of identities and sexualities.

Childhood, Art and Pedagogy in 21st century society

Research on the value of teaching-learning literacy and visual and aesthetic literacy (educating the gaze) and the development of critical and creative thinking in contemporary childhood.

Children's and youth literature

Research and innovation in literature aimed at the model reader, which is to be found in pre-school, primary and secondary education.

Citizenship and values

The line "Citizenship and values" refers to research on the civic and axiological dimension of education. It is based on the assumption that pedagogical research must necessarily include reflection and study of the world of values, attitudes and ethical thinking.

Coexistence and conflict resolution

It approaches the learning of a model of coexistence, both at school and social level. It focuses on the development of people's autonomy and responsibility, employing as the basic technique the learning of social norms through democratic procedures.

Consumer behaviour

Study the impact of communication on consumer behaviour. Analyse the proactive role of the consumer in the development of communication strategies. Special focus on the tourism sector (tourist behaviour) and the education sector (student behaviour).

Cooperation and empathy

Study of the neurobiological bases of cooperation and empathy, as well as the relationship between both and their social applications and inclusion in intervention programmes at different levels.

Creative classroom, illustration and multiliteracity

Educate in and through the arts using the Arts in Education Approach/AiE. Explore the benefits of art and illustrated literature (illustration/multimodal storytelling).

Critical analysis of the representation of the body in curricular and extracurricular materials used in Preschool Education

This line of research aims to describe and understand the construction of the concept of the body in curricular and extracurricular materials used in the early childhood education curriculum. For this purpose, different methodological tools are included to study the construction of the concept of the body such as content analysis and critical discourse analysis of both visual representations and written text. Based on the results of this line of research, it is intended that teachers in practice and in training learn to critically assess the curricular materials they use in their classrooms, as well as to propose alternative curricular materials that promote an appropriate image of children.

Cultural heritage, reading, literary, digital and media literacy training

Cultural heritage, reading, literary, digital and media education and research as a way of understanding the world and forming critical, reflective citizens capable of dealing with any type of text, whether written or digital.

Curricular materials and teaching methodologies

Textbooks, digital technological resources, field work, complemented with different teaching methodologies, are tools and strategies that are used for different purposes in school activities. These same resources can be transformed into documentary sources for research in Didactics of Social Sciences. In this line of work, we develop activities related to the analysis of curricular materials, legal regulations, external tests, curricular innovation proposals, especially those concerning curricular projects. Along with this, special attention is paid to the study of educational technology and the didactics of the social sciences, paying attention to the teaching methodology used, the resources present in the classroom and the pedagogies and hidden meanings inserted in this reality of the 21st century.

Design and evaluation of educational interventions

The aim of this line is to work together with educational centres to design, implement and evaluate innovative and effective educational interventions, and to establish processes to ensure their loyalty. The aim is to pay special attention to the contents of education for health and back health using socio-ecological educational models.

Development and evaluation of measuring instruments

This line aims to provide valid and reliable instruments for measuring knowledge, habits and attitudes applicable to formal educational contexts based on the most evolved educational theories in order to provide solid ways of collecting evidence and assessing learning.

Development and innovation of curricular proposals and specific tasks in Primary, Secondary and University Education

Starting from the four components established by the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies for the development of knowledge (experience, conceptualise, analyse and apply), design and evaluate proposals in relation to literature, art and foreign languages.

Diversity, identities, citizenship, interculturality and multilingualism in literary education

One of the challenges currently facing education at all levels is how to deal with ethnic, cultural, linguistic, affective-sexual (...) diversity in our classrooms and how to do so with some signs of success. The line of research tries to do it from the literary training.

Economics of education

Econometric evaluation of the socio-economic effects of educational investments from both macro- and microeconomic perspectives.

Education and Sustainability

Educational institutions and organisations can act as a platform for disseminating changes in perceptions, attitudes and behaviour towards new, more sustainable ways of living. The need to learn competences for the care of the community of life is advocated.

Education for sustainability

Research on Education for Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for their attention in the education system and teacher training, from their holistic vision to the different interrelated issues (responsible consumption, human rights, new energy culture, measures against pollution, climate change, resource depletion, ecosystem degradation...).

Education in Accounting

The impact of educational innovation in accounting on students' learning outcomes is investigated. It is also investigated how competences are acquired and what consequences it has on the education of future economists and auditors.

Education in museums through the use of illustrated literature and the approach to art

To explore the potential of the use of multimodal narration (visual-lexical-sound...) through the illustrated album as an innovative pedagogical resource in the field of art museums and in different regulated and non-regulated educational spaces (schools, art galleries, foundations, organisations...).

Educational Technology for reading and learning environments

In this line, technological products for research, assessment and teaching in text-based learning environments (standardised tests, intelligent tutors and research tools) are developed. The conditions of the task environment, such as question format or task interface, that influence learning are also investigated.

Educational mediation

Development of projects aimed at the design, implementation and evaluation of various educational programmes and actions related to the field of mediation and school conflict resolution. Studies on bullying, school coexistence and classroom climate at different educational levels ( early childhood, primary, compulsory secondary, Bachillerato, vocational training and university).

Educational policies for the construction of cultural identity

Right to education expands with cultural identity: the right to choose one's own culture, the protection and development of one's own cultural identity, to choose education, are topics of study that transcend education as a social right (to education) to be one of quality (in education).

Educational technology for reading and learning environments

In this line, technological products for research, assessment and teaching in text-based learning environments (standardised texts, intelligent tutors and research tools) are developed. The conditions of the task environment, such as question format or task interface, that influence learning are also investigated. 

Evaluation of education systems

GEM-Educo aims to provide measurement and evaluation instruments that serve to assess the contributions that Education makes towards the development and transformation of society, from a concept of Social Cohesion. It integrates different perspectives and aims to build a global model for the evaluation of education systems, in order to improve education in favour of Social Cohesion. GEM-Educo is developed with a commitment: to evaluate education (whether in the Systems, Institutions or Programmes) from a position that privileges the right of all to a quality education. In other words, integrating inclusion as a basis for achieving excellence. In this sense, the concept of Social Cohesion adopted by the Council of Europe (Lisbon, 2000, 2005), as a guide for the development of public policies, constitutes an integrating and systemic vision of quality, which can embrace the idea of quality as a right for the whole of society from any ideological position. For this reason, GEM-Educo aims to provide measurement and evaluation instruments which serve to assess the contributions which Education makes towards the development and transformation of society, based on a concept of Social Cohesion. In short, it integrates different perspectives and, due to its holistic - globalising - nature, aims to build a model which necessarily requires the support of a large research group and different projects.


The education community is more aware than ever of the importance and impact of evaluation for quality. We design and develop evaluations that study the specific educational needs of educational contexts in order to generate continuous improvement processes. Studies related to e-evaluation processes and collaborative teaching procedures for learning assessment.

Family and Minors

Investigate the educational processes that take place in the family and their influence on the minor, delving into family diversity, parental competence, educational programmes, situations of risk and neglect of the minor, working from a non-disciplinary perspective due to its complexity.

Gender equality

Development of research projects aimed at the analysis of educational actions aimed at gender equality in the field of formal and non-formal education. Development of studies and projects aimed at improving educational intervention in the field of coeducation. Analysing and comparing proposals for gender equality in all contexts (personal, family, social and work).

Health Education

Research in Health Education, Gender and Ecodidactic Gardens, through studies, projects and development of materials in the different areas of Health (attention to inequalities, emotions, conflict resolution, violence, addictions, environment, food...) applied to the integral training of students and teachers.

Identities in music education: construction and interaction between the different subjectivities involved in the teaching-learning processes

A study of the musical identities of both music teachers and students from a contemporary perspective that combines discursive, performative and intersectional dimensions in order to understand the relationships that take place in the music classroom.

Illustrated albums, comics, graphic novels, audiovisual and film discourse in literary education

To investigate illustrated albums, comics, graphic novels, audiovisual and film discourse as fundamental tools for the reading, literary, linguistic and media training of the new generations..

Innovation and educational quality

Commitment, entrepreneurship and employability of graduates with functional diversity. In this line, among other subjects, research is being carried out on entrepreneurship, with three PhD theses, two of which have received grants from pre-doctoral training programmes from the Spanish Ministry of Education and the Valencian Department of Education, Valencian government (GVA). We also collaborate with EVAP (Association of Businesswomen and Professionals of València) on this subject and with the team of Prof. Lorenzo Revuelto, from the Research Group on Human Resources Strategy, Knowledge Management and Innovative and Entrepreneurial Behaviour - RRHHCIRO (UV). A very important part of this line are the collaborations with the Research Group on Social Studies, Intervention and Innovation - GESinn (UV), directed by Prof. Jose Javier Navarro-Pérez. This involves methodological support in the design, development and evaluation of protocols aimed at diagnosis and/or intervention in essentially vulnerable environments. Whether in contexts of gender-based violence or child abuse.

  • Reyes, B., Georgieva, S., Martínez-Gregorio, S., De los Santos, S., Galiana, L. and Tomás, J.M. (2021). Assessment of learning strategies with the ACRA and the Brief-ACRA scales: Competitive models, measurement invariance, and prediction of academic achievement in secondary elementary students from the Dominican Republic. Psychodidactics, 26(10), 1-9. 
  • Martinez-Gregorio, S. and Oliver, A. (in press). Measuring Entrepreneurial Intention in Secondary Education: Validity evidence for the EIQ. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.
  • Martínez-Gregorio, S., Badenes-Ribera, L., and Oliver, A. (2021). Effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship intention and related outcomes in educational contexts: a meta-analysis. The International Journal of Management Education, 19(3), 100545.
  • Martínez-Gregorio, S., Badenes-Ribera, L., and Oliver, A. (2021). Effect of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurship intention and related outcomes in educational contexts: a meta-analysis. The International Journal of Management Education, 19, 100545. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijme.2021.100545. 
  • Navarro-Pérez, JJ; Oliver, A.; Carbonell, A.; Schneider, BH. (2020). Effectiveness of a Mobile App Intervention to Prevent Dating Violence in Residential Child Care. Psychosocial Intervention Q1.
  • Fernandez, I.; Enrique, S.; De los Santos, S.; Tomás, J. M. (2020). Can engagement and burnout be distinguished? A study in a representative sample of teachers. TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 27, pp. 71 - 84 . ISSN: 1972-6325.
  • Tomás, J. M., Gutiérrez, M., Hernández, M. and Georgieva, S. (2020). The effects of self-efficacy, hope, and engagement on the academic achievement of secondary education in the Dominican Republic. Psychology in The Schools, 57, pp. 191 - 203 . ISSN: 0033-3085.
  • Navarro-Pérez, JJ.; Carbonell, A.; Oliver, A. (2019). The Effectiveness of a Psycho-educational App to Reduce Sexist Attitudes Among Adolescents. Psychodidactics, DOI: 10.1016/j.psicod.2018.07.002, Q1.
Innovation in music education: reflection on teaching practice, re-elaboration of educational goals and renewal of teaching methodologies

Development of approaches, methodologies and resources aimed at: reflecting on educational practices and processes of cultural reproduction; renewing didactic strategies based on action-oriented research processes; incorporating ICT and new pedagogical methods.


Examine the implementation of innovative practices in sectors such as tourism and education. Emphasis on teaching innovation. Analysis of the use and impact of new information and communication technologies (social networks, apps, smartphones, artificial intelligence, etc.).

Inquiry-based science education in pre-school, primary and secondary education

Use of methodologies based on enquiry and guided investigation for the teaching and learning of science in the stages of formal education (second cycle of infant, primary and secondary education). Adaptation of these methodologies to the particularities of each stage (Reggio Emilia, Centres of Interest, Corners, Projects...).

Instructional technology

Design of instructional proposals and tools that promote active and meaningful learning.

Integration of technologies in education

Integration of technologies in education at various academic levels.

Intercultural Education

Education for the development of intercultural competence through literature.

Intercultural education and school health policies

Research in intercultural education and health education in schools aims to learn about, study and provide solutions to address diversity in schools. The aim is to provide schools and the educational community with resources to attend to students in a comprehensive manner.

Interdisciplinarity between music education and other areas of knowledge

This line will investigate the possible synergies that can be established between music education and other areas such as social, natural and communication sciences, plastic and visual arts, emotional education and special education.

Introducing sustainability in university education

Curricular sustainability does not only imply including environmental contents in the syllabus of the different subjects, but it also entails another series of more global changes in the conception of the educational process.

Knowledge transfer and dissemination: resource development and teacher training

Transfer and dissemination processes are proposed for social and educational innovation.

La formación docente desde la investigación académica

Teacher training is an essential part of any education system. The continuous improvement of teacher training processes and experiences is essential if teachers are to become reflective educators who are aware of the role that learning in the social sciences can play in the exercise of democratic citizenship by students. This line of research is concerned with investigating the identity of teachers in their historical contexts, initial and in-service training, and gender and coeducation in teacher education.

Learning difficulties and designing and evaluating teaching sequences of Sciences

Analysis of students' and teachers' conceptions and of school textbooks and educational resources; design and evaluation of science teaching sequences or units that promote students' conceptual, procedural and axiological learning.

Learning processes and text comprehension

This line studies the comprehension and learning processes of students when they study texts. It also analyses the personal and situational variables that favour and/or hinder this learning. It also studies methods and tasks for assessing learning and comprehension in complex reading environments from the end of Primary School up to University.

Learning processes and text comprehension

This line studies the comprehension and learning processes of students when they study texts. It also analyses the personal and situational variables that favour and/or hinder this learning. It also studies methods and tasks for assessing learning and comprehension in complex reading environments from the end of Primary Education to University.

Local government and social education policies

Analysis of the quality of the social education policies promoted by the Local Administration. Studies at regional, national and international level: social inclusion, training-employment, socio-cultural animation, gender equality, etc.

Measurement of psychomotor aspects in adolescents and young people

Psychomotor aspects (motor skills) and their relation with psychosocial aspects in adolescents (e.g., self-concept) are analysed, analysing how both aspects interact.

Media literacy, ICTs and video games

The research in this line aims to analyse the educational use of ICTs and to analyse the keys to the construction of media citizenship. It also aims to study the use of video games in education and the use of serious games in complex environments.

Methodologies related to university teaching, innovation and impact on quality

We are talking about work on the detection, analysis and evaluation of teaching methodologies designed and implemented by teachers at all educational levels to determine whether innovation in these methodologies has an impact on teaching quality.

Musical performativity and creation

The purpose of this line is to investigate educational processes in relation to musical performance, improvisation and creation, in particular the types and processes of memory involved in performance and improvisation, study strategies, stage fright, motivation, the role of ways of presenting information, differences between formally trained musicians and non-formally trained musicians (self-control, self-esteem, discipline, trainable skills such as the number and size of saccades or saccadic movements through eye-tracking, etc.).


Study of the biological bases of violent and criminal behaviour, with its applications at diagnosis, prevention and intervention levels in violence.


Study of the biological bases of happiness. Application of neurosciences to Positive Psychology. Intervention, prevention and other applications.

Neurosciences applied to science education

Study of the relationship between the functional mechanisms of the brain associated with learning and the teaching of scientific concepts by means of models (using embodiment), didactic methodologies and educational technology. Study of the transfer of knowledge in the area of neuroscience to teachers and students.

New forms of storytelling (narrativities) in the 21st Century

To analyse the characteristics of the multimodal mind in the 21st century and the need to establish new coordinates of cohesion and develop new forms of discourse and narrative.

New precariousness in knowledge societies

Study of the processes of precariousness in social contexts discursively dominated by the knowledge economy and which particularly involve people with higher education qualifications. Phenomena: entrepreneurial activation, new forms of vital precariousness and the role of higher education institutions.

Optimització de procediments, tècniques i recursos adreçats a promoure la qualificació professional integració sociolaboral de col.lectius vulnerables

Formació en el lloc de treball, aprenentatge de l'experiència, aprenentatge informal, diagnòstic d'ocupabilitat i elaboració d'itineraris individualitzats d'inserció, alternança entre formació i ocupació, acompanyament socioeducatiu.

Pedagogical identity in transition

Analysis of the production of pedagogical identity in specific contexts of educational and professional transition from a Social Justice perspective. Construction of the social positioning of young people in institutional transition processes. Analysis of Educational Policies from a critical perspective: conservative modernisation.

Pedagogical renovation and good practices in the 0-6 Kindergarten classrooms

Design didactic strategies based on the discussion of experiential narratives.

Planning and management of higher education and universities

Analysis of the different models, structures and governance of universities in both international and national contexts, specifically in the study of university funding policies, management and allocation of resources, and policies on access to higher education.

Poverty, ghettoisation and ethnic minorities

Pedagogical relations in contexts of social and educational exclusion (poverty, ghettoisation, ethnic minorities). Analysis of policies to combat failure and early school leaving. Curricular justice and educational equity. Childhood and RECE.

Processes of distribution and construction of legitimate knowledge

Study of pedagogical practice based on Basil Bernstein's theory. Analysis of the processes of distribution and construction of legitimate knowledge in the pedagogical device. Pedagogical modes of transmission. Sociology of pedagogy. Critical pedagogy and critical table.

Promoting physical activity in the Preschool Education curriculum

This line of research aims to analyse the actions, programmes and strategies used to promote physical activity in the Preschool Education curriculum. In general, we analyse the correlates and determinants of physical activity in and out of school that can have a positive impact on the integral development of children. In particular, physical activity behaviour during children's motor skills sessions is analysed by means of qualitative observational systems as well as quantitative systems for measuring physical activity.

Research assessment

Research assessment and its dissemination means: scientific journals, etc.

Research methodologies and innovation in Language and Literature Didactics

Work on the main lines of research and innovation being developed in literature and language didactics.

Research methods

Educational research methodology.

Science dissemination policies, open science, knowledge society and network universities

Analysis of the role of universities in the next current technological context, challenges, perspectives and trends. Roles in the dissemination of knowledge. Policies and strategies for building open science, new paradigms and tools.

Science teacher training. Proposals for improvement

To analyse whether or not teachers who have taken part in training programmes and carried out research in science teaching have incorporated the proposals for science teaching and learning from these courses into their educational practice and the differences in their teaching with other colleagues.

Social representations and identities (gender, nationhood and interculturality)

Identities (individual and collective) are very complex to define. On the one hand, they represent "a set of traits of an individual or a group that characterises them in relation to others", but also "a person's awareness of being him/herself and different from others". In this sense, this line of research insists on school learning as a framework that shapes identities and social representations, beyond the common sense socially reproduced and expressed in the media. To this end, it takes into account the historical-cultural dimension of school disciplines and the tendency to naturalise certain contents, practices and uses that hinder innovation.

Socio-environmental education and heritage education: from the local to the global

Understanding complex social and environmental problems requires an interdisciplinary approach to the study of geography, history and art history, integrating heritage and sustainability perspectives. This also implies an approach to the culture of places in order to assess the reasons for the selection and conservation of certain remains or environments which, in one way or another, may be present in the school environment (museums, archaeological sites, natural parks, monuments, celebrations or festivities, etc.). The search for interdisciplinarity addresses transversal concepts such as sustainability.

Socio-scientific issues and critical thinking in Scientific Education

Use of the history of science and science-technology-society relations (STS) to teach scientific literacy and motivate students, to teach the nature of science (NoS), to contextualise it, to promote argumentation and critical thinking and to question pseudo-science.

Studies on the different curricular levels of music education: the prescribed, edited, declared, taught, realised and hidden curriculum

To approach the culture of music education from the study of the curriculum prescribed in educational legislation, published in textbooks, declared and taught by teachers, realised or acquired by students and hidden or implicit through the standardisation of an epistemic culture.

Studying and promoting the didactic potential of Learning and Knowledge Technologies (TACs)

To propose and assess collaborative tasks that allow future teachers to progress gradually from the mere instrumental use of TACs (Learning and Knowledge Technologies) to the development of a more critical awareness of them.

Subjects, knowledge and emancipation in critical and post-critical pedagogies

Research on strategies for the empowerment of subjects through education and analysis of an emancipatory relationship between subject and knowledge.

System Dynamics

Development of appropriate techniques and tools to facilitate the understanding and management of systems to solve problems.

Teacher training in secondary education

Analysis of the quality of the initial training model in force in the University Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Official Language Schools.

Test construction and validation

Creation, validation and evaluation of psycho-socio-educational tests (performance, diagnostic tests, opinion surveys, attitudes, etc.).

The development of pedagogical content knowledge in physical education (back health education)

This line aims to investigate the pedagogical knowledge of the content of physical education teachers. The aim is to pay special attention to the teaching of content related to health and back health in order to improve the quality of teaching.

Traffic and Road Safety

The topics of research and development are very broad and include epidemiological studies, accident research, causes of accidents, risk factors, risk groups, vulnerable users, driver behaviour, basic psychological processes, attitudes, motivations and values underlying behaviour, the special case of offenders and repeat offenders, as well as autonomous driving.

In addition to the human factor, the subject of study includes the roads (with special attention to black spots and accident hotspots, as well as signage, which is particularly variable), vehicles, and the condition of all of them.


Turancy, the unjustified and repeated absence from school of children of compulsory school age, is and educational and social problem. Little studied, focused on certain scools and neighbourhoods, its analysis and study allows us to improve the application of the right to education.

University Pedagogy

This line deals with the analysis of teaching-learning processes at the university in order to make proposals for improvement and to implement and evaluate them, as far as possible. Likewise, good practices, the use of ICTs, transition processes, dropout and failure, etc.

University training in music movement for Preschool Education

The aim of this line of research is, on the one hand, to analyse the methodological proposals and musical tools used in the university classroom to favour the comprehensive development of children in Preschool Education. On the other hand, to develop innovative proposals based on musical movement so that future Preschool Education teachers who do not specialise in music can apply the multiple possibilities for cognitive, socio-affective, motor and verbal development offered by the application of musical movement activities during this educational stage.

Welfare education and students with special educational needs

Research is conducted on: the improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities (intellectual, brain damage, illness, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit and hyperactivity), the educational response to their special needs, and on the psychosocial impact on families.