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The University Senate approves the Management Report

  • Office of the Principal
  • July 14th, 2023

The Senate of the Universitat de València met in ordinary session last Thursday 13 of July and approved the Management Report and the broad lines for the preparation of the 2024 budget proposal.

The Senate of the Universitat de València met in the Magna Hall of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in ordinary session last Thursday 13 July.

In accordance with the provisions of the Statutes, the Senate received the Management Report of the University for the 2022 calendar year, which was presented by the Principal for debate in this highest body of representation and government of the Universitat de València, and submitted to a vote, being approved with 109 votes in favour, 1 against and 2 abstentions.

Also on the agenda was the election of members of various collegiate bodies, with Gloria Royo de León having been elected as alternate PAS Senate representative on the Senate Board, Valeria Ruiz Garcia as senate representative of the student body on the Constitutional Committee, Constantino Gil Grau as PAS representative on the University Services Quality Assessment Committee, and Raquel Bayo Castellote as alternate PAS representative on the Electoral Commission.

Additionally, the Senate elected Mª Cristina Garcia Ostbye, from among the Administration and Services Staff, and José Alejandro Bernabéu Martínez, a student of the Faculty of Pharmacy, from among the student body as vice-ombudspersons of the University.

The Senate also approved the broad lines for the preparation of the 2024 budget proposal. This document is a guideline for general university policy and the budget for the coming year.

The Senate meeting was broadcast openly to the whole society through the website of the Universitat de València, with a signal produced by UVcomunicació and carried out by the Audiovisual Workshop of the UV.