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VIM01 Enhance the international dimension of our qualifications

In the current context, internationalisation as an objective at the UV is more relevant than ever. To ensure that this objective contributes to the university’s teaching strategy, several dimensions must be coordinated. Internationalisation helps substantially to enrich the UV experience and improve the quality of our teaching. It must be deployed while paying special attention to Erasmus students with disabilities and special needs.

LAEVIM01 Strengthen the international projection of studies and research by consolidating our range of academic programmes and developing new joint degrees with foreign universities.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Multilingualism

Coordinator: International Relations and Cooperation Service

LAEVIM02 Enhance participation in the FORTHEM alliance of European universities through new ways of recognising studies and promoting short mobility stays.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Multilingualism

Coordinator: Delegate of the Rector for the FORTHEM Alliance

LAEVIM03 Promote the mobility of technical, management, administrative and service staff, trainee research staff, teaching and research staff and students by increasing mobility opportunities, aid for mobility outside the EU, advice and visibility.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Multilingualism

Coordinator: International Relations and Cooperation Service

LAEVIM04 Digitise student and staff mobility processes by implementing a self-enrolment system.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Multilingualism

Coordinator: International Relations and Cooperation Service

LAEVIM05 Consolidate the University’s presence in the main international forums, such as higher education fairs.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Multilingualism

Coordinator: International Relations and Cooperation Service

VIM02 Develop multilingualism within the UV community and promote the UV’s own language

The UV aims to promote multilingual education while preserving our commitment to the UV’s own language. We aim to train students to be competent in several languages to improve their preparation and increase their employability. This responds directly to the demands of our region and enhances the international dimension of our range of qualifications, which, in turn, is a key factor for improving our students’ satisfaction with their university experience and, ultimately, the quality of our teaching.

LAEVIM06 Strengthen the language and intercultural skills of all members of the university community by consolidating and increasing the range of courses offered in Valencian and English and improving incentives for language training and accreditation.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation and Multilingualism

Coordinator: Languages and Language Policy Service