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PEUV 2023-2026 is the result of the combined analysis of:

  • Our Mission as defined in the UV Statutes and the commitments outlined in the Governing Council’s programme, which were endorsed by the university community in the March 2022 elections and which define the UV’s Vision and identifying Values.
  • The main conclusions of a strategic analysis that was based on both an analysis of the University’s environment and an internal analysis of the institution.

From this strategic analysis and the UV’s guiding Mission, Vision and Values, we have defined a series of Strategic Objectives (categorised according to the function and competence areas of the offices of vice-rectors that make up our government structure) as well as a series of Strategic Lines of Action (Línies d’Actuació Estratègica, or LAE) through which we intend to meet those objectives.

The Strategic Objectives and LAE envisaged for 2023-2026 constitute the formulation of this Strategic Plan.

The recently enacted LOSU envisages that the Governing Council shall be responsible for approving the strategic plans of universities at the proposal of the Governing Board (Article 46.2.a).

The LAE will be implemented through annual Operational Plans that set out the specific actions planned for each year. The general guidelines for the Budget to be approved each year by the University Senate are assessed according to the Budget’s ability to cover the commitments outlined in the management action plans or annual Operational Plans.

Each LAE will have a specific person in charge, who is a member of the Executive Council and who will oversee its implementation, as well as a coordinating unit or service that will be responsible for its development and evaluation. Moreover, each LAE may be broken down into various Initiatives through which specific actions will be implemented in order to further the broader strategic goal as outlined in the LAE.

The monitoring and evaluation of the commitments contained in the plan will be performed annually at the level of the Operational Plan and PEUV 2023-2026 to identify the progress achieved through the initiatives or to adapt or add initiatives if deemed necessary to better achieve the expected results. The Strategic Objectives or LAE may also be revised as necessitated by changes in the environment.

The methodology for implementing and monitoring PEUV 2023-2026 comprises the following instruments:

  • Annual Operational Plan. This comprises the initiatives programmed for each year in accordance with the LAE established in the Strategic Plan and their planned implementation. The degree to which each LAE has been implemented will be monitored every six months in order to identify any deviations from the operational plans. Two levels of indicators are established, one of which will measure the degree of development of the initiatives planned (operational indicators) while the other will measure the degree of fulfilment of the Strategic Objectives (strategic indicators).
  • Operational indicators. These indicators are related to the LAE and measure the fulfilment of the planned actions (initiatives) to determine the degree with which each LAE has been implemented.
  • Strategic indicators. These indicators are related to the Strategic Objectives and measure the degree of fulfilment of the set objectives; they identify whether the initiatives carried out are helping to achieve the objectives set.

In short, the methodology used to formulate, implement and evaluate PEUV 2023-2026 can be summarised in the following phases:

  1. Mission, Vision and Values
  2. Strategic analysis (external and internal analyses)
  3. Strategy formulation (objectives and LAE)
  4. Implementation (operational plans)
  5. Monitoring (operational and strategic indicators)


PEUV 2023-2026 methodology
PEUV 2023-2026 methodology.