This objective represents the point of convergence with our teaching strategy. University culture constitutes one of the fundamental missions of the University of Valencia for its social commitment to the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage and its significance as a point of reference in Valencian society, especially in relation to culture and language. The cultural offerings at the University are considered an essential axis of university life and the centre of the participation of the University community as a generator of innovation, creativity and knowledge. Moreover, through our various cultural programmes, we will remain present in our region and linked to the needs of society thanks to our commitment to cultural inclusion and diversity.
LAEVCS01 Promote greater participation among the UV campuses, faculties, schools and university community in general in the University’s cultural activities.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: University Culture Service
LAEVCS02 Encourage the development of cultural activities by students.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: University Culture Service
LAEVCS03 Promote innovation in the processes of creating cultural offerings and improve their external projection.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: University Culture Service
The concept of visibility must be linked to the identification of the UV brand as a generator and promoter of culture as well as to the satisfaction of users. This objective means that:
- When the university performs its activities, the user identifies the institution as the promoter of those activities.
- The university community knows and remembers our range of cultural activities
- Our target audience knows and remembers the UV as a pole of development of cultural activity.
At the same time, our aim is to increase the rating and satisfaction of users of the UV’s cultural services. As a result of this interaction process, we wish to know which aspects of the current range of offerings could be improved from the users’ point of view.
LAEVCS04 Boost the quality of our publications and those of the Publications Service.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: Publications Service
LAEVCS05 Enhance the value of the cultural heritage of the University of Valencia.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: University Culture Service
The UV’s commitment to Valencian society is reflected in the construction and development of close collaborative links with local and regional institutions and entities. This collaboration will enhance the transfer and dissemination of knowledge for the needs of the region. The aim is to strengthen university extension and relations with our region and society. University extension is one of the fundamental axes of the Statutes of our University. It is essential for strengthening ties and generating working networks with cultural institutions such as museums, theatres and auditoriums and with the main cultural agents. We will also work to continue relations with Valencian society to disseminate university culture in our region and consolidate the University of Valencia as a cultural point of reference.
LAEVCS06 Develop and promote the university extension and university-society programmes of the University of Valencia.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: University Culture Service
LAEVCS07 Promote the presence of the University of Valencia in the central Valencian regions: Gandia and Ontinyent.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: University Culture Service
LAEVCS08 Promote lifelong learning through the UV’s programmes for the elderly (Nau Gran, Nau Gran Gandia, Unisocietat).
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture and Society
Coordinator: Gandia International Centre