Faced with the challenges posed by our environment, the UV must, more than ever, be able to adapt its processes and methodologies to focusing its academic offerings on the needs of society, without renouncing its Mission to develop, preserve and disseminate knowledge as an end in itself. This involves strengthening the links between academia and the business, social and professional sectors so that the UV is able to incorporate the sensitivities of each sector into its processes for designing, implementing and developing qualifications. Achieving this objective will help to improve our graduates’ social and labour integration and promote their ability to develop as entrepreneurs while ensuring equal opportunities for those with diversity. This objective requires strengthening coordination between the various agents of the university community who, in a transversal way, are involved in working to achieve it and especially among the faculties and schools of our university.
LAEVE01 Diversify and update our range of academic programmes by creating new bachelor’s and master’s degrees, double degrees, joint degrees and degrees with a dual major, and link bachelor’s and master’s degree theses to the productive sectors of our environment.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Studies
Coordinator: Student Services
We need a range of doctoral programmes that satisfy the needs of the various sectors of activity in which our graduates are involved and to attract and develop talent to nurture our research activity. This objective is one of the cornerstones that must underpin our capacity to attract students and simultaneously offer quality teaching. We must therefore mainstream student recruitment and adapt training processes to their needs while incorporating synergies that also involve the sustainability of resources.
LAEVE02 Draw up a Doctoral School Master Plan that includes establishing new co-supervision programmes with universities of recognised prestige, increase the number of industrial doctoral programmes, and link doctoral programmes to our university’s talent recruitment strategies.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Studies
Coordinator: Doctoral School
Students are the centre of our University. We must therefore provide them with the best academic education and support them from the beginning of their studies and until they enter the labour market. We must also boost student participation in university life and the culture and governance of our institution. Our capacity for comprehensive guidance to students must differentiate us from other universities by helping us to improve the employability of our graduates, strengthening the relationship between the UV and our students, and helping us to understand the needs of our students and to design a suitable range of courses. Achieving this objective will also depend on three key success factors required to provide students with a satisfactory university experience from both the academic and extra-academic perspectives: 1) developing our student guidance capabilities, 2) strengthening the international dimension of our course offerings, and 3) improving the visibility and accessibility of our range of programmes and complementary services through better communication.
LAEVE03 Facilitate the integration of new students by channelling and facilitating their entry into our university and their passage through it, and designing academic and communication strategies that strengthen our capacity to attract and retain students from other universities.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Studies
Coordinator: Information and Promotion Service (Sedi)