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VIDI01 Promote a model of university management based on the values of equality, sustainability, solidarity and transparency in all our activities

All UV activity must encompass, transmit and project the values reflected in its Statutes, which the institution defends and promotes explicitly and actively, always with special attention to those with disabilities, real equality between men and women, and respect for all diversities. Achieving this objective requires articulating transversal policies and processes and defining actions that enable all social actors to identify the UV with the values outlined earlier.

LAEVIDI01 Promote the integration of students with disabilities or special educational needs throughout their time at the UV by organising training activities within the university community, organising activities for students with disabilities, and working to consolidate their collective rights.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

Coordinator: UV Discapacitat

LAEVIDI02 Develop inclusive policies of access and permanence in the University of Valencia for PTGAS and PDI with disabilities.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

Coordinator: UV Discapacitat

LAEVIDI03 Conduct a diagnosis of the equality situation between women and men at the University of Valencia and draft the fifth Equality Plan of the University of Valencia, the first Diversity Plan, and the second Disability Plan.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

Coordinator: Equality Unit and UV Discapacitat

LAEVIDI04 Continue to support members of the university community affected by gender-based violence and harassment through psychological, academic and legal support by implementing a sexual harassment prevention programme and promoting a volunteer network among students, PTGAS and PDI.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

Coordinator: Equality Unit

LAEVIDI05 Strengthen networking in the field of equity, gender equality, equality in diversity, non-discrimination and inclusive policies.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

Coordinator: Equality Unit and UV Discapacitat

VIDI02 Mainstream gender perspective and gender equality in diversity in teaching and research

Promote training in coeducation in the bachelor’s degrees in Teacher Training and the master’s degree in Secondary Education Teaching. Also, introduce the gender perspective in different UV official bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees. Continue developing strategies for training the entire university community in gender equality between women and men and gender equality in diversity while encouraging good practices and promoting workshops on demand. Promote research and innovation in equality while offering training for the incorporation of gender analysis and equality in diversity and promoting women’s leadership in research projects and groups.

LAEVIDI06 Promote training in coeducation in the teaching profession.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

Coordinator: Equality Unit

LAEVIDI07 Promote cross-curricular, equitable, egalitarian and gender research as a key challenge through campaigns, awards and dissemination events.

Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies

Coordinator: Equality Unit and UV Discapacitat