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Monitoring and evaluation procedure

Once the process of preparing the Strategic Plan document has been completed and has been informed and approved by the governing bodies of the University, an equally crucial phase begins: the implementation of the proposals present in the plan, as well as as the supervision and control of its development. The execution of the plan must be an active process adapted to the established time frame, involving all the vice-chancellors, units and services of the institution, as well as the university community as a whole, with the purpose of moving towards a University in constant progress.

PEUV 2023-2026 is established for a period of four years, from 2023 to 2026. The Strategic Plan is structured as follows:


Deployment of the Strategic Plan
Deployment of the Strategic Plan.



Strategic Objectives are defined for each functional and competence area, while strategic indicators are associated with each Objective to measure their degree of achievement.

For each strategic objective, one or more LAE are defined to establish the actions to be taken to achieve that objective and measure their development via operational indicators or effort indicators associated with each LAE. If necessary, the LAE can be broken down into specific initiatives.

The annual implementation of PEUV 2023-2026 will be set out annually in an Operational Plan, which will report on the actions planned for an annual period. These operational plans will reflect each LAE’s current situation and explain what is projected for the following year.

For each LAE, there must be a head (which will generally be an office of the vice-rector), a coordinator (a unit or service), and one or more managers (other units that will collaborate with the coordinator on implementation).

The PEUV will be monitored every six months. An application is available for the heads and coordinators of the various LAE to carry out their monitoring tasks.

This six-monthly monitoring by the coordinating services or units of the LAE involves:

  • From the evidence presented, indicating which actions have been carried out.
  • If it was not possible to keep to the schedule, explaining why not and specifying which contingency plan, if any, will be implemented. If necessary, a new schedule for each phase must be drawn up.
  • Indicating the values of the effort indicators for each LAE on a semi-annual or annual basis, as required.

The coordinators are responsible for monitoring their LAE every six months. They must indicate whether the planned actions have been carried out and if they have not, report the reasons for this deviation from the schedule established in the corresponding Operational Plan. They must also report on the monitoring of the operational indicators established for each LAE. The heads must oversee the monitoring of the LAE with which they are associated. The managers consult on LAE monitoring for any initiative in which they participate as manager, supply information if they are asked to do so by the coordinator, and carry out actions aimed at promoting the successful performance of their LAE.

The normal phases in LAE implementation are: study, implementation and evaluation. The initial programming of the LAE establishes the expected development of these phases for each year.


Example of the initial planning of an LAE
Example of the initial planning of an LAE.


The PEUV Indicator System establishes indicators for measuring the degree with which each Strategic Objective has been achieved. Each strategic indicator is measured annually to analyse the trend and evolution of the strategic objective. Whenever possible, these indicators will be compared with the reference values for SUE or SUV.

The Final Monitoring of PEUV 2023-2026 will indicate the degree with which the planned actions (LAE) have been carried out, the measurements of the operational indicators (Monitoring Report), and, from the evolution of the strategic indicators, the degree with which the objectives have been achieved (results obtained).


Final monitoring of PEUV 2023-2026
Final monitoring of PEUV 2023-2026.


The UV’s Analysis and Programming Service will also regularly monitor the determining characteristics of the environment and the key aspects of the internal analysis determined by SWOT so that reports can be submitted to those responsible for the LAE if any revision of the initiatives, LAEs or Strategic Objectives is needed.