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CAME Analysis

The SWOT analysis described above enabled us to determine our current situation and trace the path to follow for the strategic formulation. The main purposes that define the UV’s Vision and Values will be added to the conclusions drawn from SWOT analysis to identify the Strategic Objectives on which PEUV 2023-2026 will work.

The main aims of CAME analysis were to reflect on designing strategies that will enable the University to correct weaknesses, adapt to threats, maintain strengths and exploit opportunities and to integrate those strategies into our Vision and Values as determining elements for formulating our strategy.

PEUV 2023-2026 will shape its strategy by formulating a list of Strategic Objectives aimed at addressing the intervention needs identified by CAME analysis.

We will return to them here in order to integrate them into the strategic formulation process and label them in order to better analyse the impact of the interventions considered by CAME analysis.

The Vision of the UV with which PEUV 2023-2026 is working aims to:

  • Maintain a university education of excellence, a fundamental function of universities, as established in the basic regulations of the SUE (Organic Law on the University System (LOSU), Art. 6). Transmit both the knowledge and the competences and skills inherent to that knowledge which students must acquire to obtain a university qualification in full compliance with the quality standards established within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (VIS-01).
  • Maintain the UV in a position of excellence in scientific research and transfer to the productive system while making a clear commitment to attracting and retaining talent and promoting research excellence. Research and transfer will also be at the service of the best university teaching (VIS-02).
  • Continue to deploy digital transformation in management and every University activity without losing the differential element of presence – the key to acquiring skills and values through university life (VIS-03).
  • Maintain and increase lifelong training for our teaching and research staff (PDI) and administrative and service staff (PTGAS) to guarantee the best possible fulfilment of their functions and ensure that it coexists with the planned staff renewal intended to correct the dysfunctions created by the restriction imposed for years on public administrations, especially with regard to replacement rates, that has caused an increase in the average age of our staff and a slowdown in the processes of stabilisation and promotion for our PDI and PTGAS (VIS-04).
  • Promote the principles of responsible, effective and efficient management in order to optimise the proper use of public resources (VIS-05).
  • Maintain and increase our commitment to sustainability and an inclusive university based on the principles of equality and diversity (VIS-06).
  • Maintain the University of Valencia as a leading cultural agent that transfers knowledge and culture beyond its campuses (VIS-07).
  • Adapt our own policies and regulatory frameworks to the requirements set by the new Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on the University System (LOSU) (VIS-08).
  • Incorporate those aspects contemplated in the Multiannual Financing Plan (PPF) of the SPUV, especially those related to financing by objectives through the so-called Quality Improvement Fund (VIS-09).
  • Incorporate the requirements of the legislative changes in other regulations that directly affect the areas of competence of public universities, including Law 17/2022, which amends Law 14/2011 on Science, Technology and Innovation, and Royal Decree Law 32/2021, on urgent measures for labour reform, the guarantee of employment stability and the transformation of the labour market (VIS-10).

The above will be achieved in accordance with the following Values:

  • Defence of the constitutional principle of university autonomy based on institutional loyalty and cooperation with the rest of the education system (VAL-01).
  • Participatory governance at various levels based on participation and dialogue in decision-making with faculties and schools, student representatives, trade unions, and the wider university community (VAL-02).
  • Transparency in teaching, research and administrative management (VAL-03).
  • Accountability, efficiency and effectiveness in the management of resources (VAL-04).
  • Accountability to the governing bodies, supervisory bodies and society (VAL-05).
  • Empowerment of individuals by putting them at the centre of our policies and institutional aims (VAL-06).
  • Digital transformation at the service of the UV’s mission as a public university (VAL-07).
  • Multilingualism as a tool for internationalisation and professional integration but also for commitment to our region and cultural identity (VAL-08).
  • Projection of the Valencian cultural identity (VAL-09).
  • Support for social dialogue and the articulation of active citizenship (VAL-10).
  • Conservation and preservation of the UV’s historical and artistic heritage while making that heritage available to the university community and society (VAL-11).
  • Sustainability and commitment to environmental values (VAL-12).
  • Equality as a basic principle while recognising the diversity of individuals and promoting the inclusion of everyone in both the university environment and society as a whole (VAL-13).

As mentioned earlier, the conclusions drawn from the SWOT analysis determine a series of intervention needs that will be reflected in the CAME analysis. CAME analysis is a strategic planning tool based on the diagnosis reached by SWOT to complement that analysis and provide key information for establishing fundamental actions aimed at correcting weaknesses, adapting to threats, maintaining strengths and exploiting opportunities. The CAME matrix therefore enables a set of strategic objectives to be drawn up by taking into account the organisation’s resources and capacities while also considering the challenges faced by its general and specific environments. CAME analysis will therefore incorporate the purposes outlined in the Vision and Values of the Executive Council so that the Strategic Objectives formulated as part of PEUV 2023-2026 will address the situations that condition them.

Following the work conducted by the UV’s Executive Council, a list of Strategic Objectives has been proposed to address the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that were detected by SWOT analysis. Below we list these proposed strategic objectives and relate them to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats they aim to address. Some objectives address more than one aspect simultaneously and may therefore appear in more than one of the four elements of CAME analysis.

All this is transferred to the CAME analysis, where the element of vision or values ​​on which each proposed objective also has an impact is also added: