The UV’s scientific production is among the best in the country. To maintain, or increase, our scientific production capacity, we require actions to increase our ability to attract talent and internationalise our research activity. Achieving these objectives will enhance our capacity to compete in national and international funding calls and increase the scientific production of excellence and the international collaboration of our research staff. We must also promote open science; to do so we must train and encourage our researchers to publish and disseminate their results by those means.
LAEVI01 Attract talent and incorporate young researchers by promoting training and the dissemination of funding opportunities, contracts to attract talent, and the stabilisation of research personnel.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Coordinator: Research Management Service
LAEVI02 Promote the internationalisation of research by maintaining the HR Excellence in Research label of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), developing the principles and recommendations of the European Charter for Research Staff, and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Research Staff contained in the HRS4R.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Coordinator: Research Management Service
LAEVI03 Promote open science policies and the internationalisation of the information available on UV websites.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Coordinator: Research Management Service
The conditions in which research is conducted often impact its quality and results as well as the working conditions and performance of the researchers involved.
We therefore aim to act on numerous aspects in areas where the UV can improve so that the research carried out at the University achieves higher levels of efficiency and performance.
LAEVI04 Improve the quality of research management services, promote the participation of researchers through informative meetings, and establish a schedule of calls for proposals in order to achieve a seal of quality in research management.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Coordinator: Research Management Service
LAEVI05 Draft the Libraries and Documentation Service’s Master Plan and develop regulations on the authorship of scientific works.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Coordinator: Libraries and Documentation Service
LAEVI06 Develop ethical regulations for researchers and an ethical code of good practice in research and improve the working conditions of the research ethics committee.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Research
Coordinator: Research Management Service