Since the right of citizens to interact electronically with public administrations is now consolidated, and the administrations are now obliged to possess the means and systems required to guarantee that right, we must make progress in the practice of electronic notifications.
Current legislation also establishes the obligation for all public administrations to possess a general electronic registry or, where appropriate, to adhere to that of the General State Administration. The University of Valencia has chosen to join the GEISER application of the Spanish Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations. Work will therefore continue to ensure its full operation.
With regard to archives, current legislation has introduced a new obligation that each public administration must maintain a single electronic archive of documents corresponding to completed procedures and keep those files in a format that ensures the authenticity, integrity and conservation of the documents. On this point, an agreement has been signed between all public universities in the Valencian Community to contract the Odilo application. Work must therefore continue to implement an electronic archive.
LAESG01 Develop the tools needed for electronic registration and the archiving of all UV documents.
Head: Office of the General Secretary
Coordinator: Office of the General Secretary
LAESG02 Implement electronic notifications on a general basis.
Head: Office of the General Secretary
Coordinator: Office of the General Secretary
Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on the university system, and the consequential repeal of the previous Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on universities, constitute a far-reaching reform of the legal framework of the Spanish university system. This reform creates the need to conduct a study of the new features incorporated by the new Law on the University System and all legislation that will be approved during its development. It also creates the need to conduct an analysis of the Statutes of the University of Valencia and the regulations approved by the university during their development in order to adapt the Statutes to the current legislation.
LAESG03 Adapt the Statutes of the University of Valencia to the LOSU and modify them.
Head: Office of the General Secretary
Coordinator: Office of the General Secretary
LAESG04 Adapt UV regulations to the new Statutes of the University of Valencia, in accordance with the regulations approved in the development of the LOSU.
Head: Office of the General Secretary
Coordinator: Office of the General Secretary
The Law on University Coexistence and the Organic Law on the University System are steps forward to promoting understanding, peaceful coexistence and full respect for fundamental rights and public freedoms in the university environment.
As well as listing the rights and duties of students, teaching staff, and technical, management and administrative and service staff, the Law on University Coexistence enables universities to develop measures and actions that encourage and stimulate active coexistence and co-responsibility among all members of the university community.
Universities will need to approve their rules of coexistence, which will become a fundamental instrument for that purpose. At the University of Valencia, a working group has been appointed to draw up those rules, which will be processed after the public exhibition stage and before subsequent approval from the Governing Council.
The Law also promotes the preferential use of alternatives to the disciplinary system, such as mediation, for conflict resolution.
To make the peaceful resolution of conflicts effective, a Coexistence Committee has been created at the heart of our university with equal representation from the various sectors.
LAESG05 Approve the UV Rules of Coexistence and Good Practice.
Head: Office of the General Secretary
Coordinator: Office of the General Secretary
LAESG06 Disseminate the UV Rules of Coexistence and Good Practice among the university community.
Head: Office of the General Secretary
Coordinator: Office of the General Secretary
One objective of the University of Valencia is to be a university that is oriented towards citizens, promotes their participation and, through planning and evaluation, gives meaning to the concept of transparency as a true tool for accountability. This, together with an improvement in public ethics, is the basis for strengthening the bonds of complicity and trust with society.
With regard to transparency, the University of Valencia implemented its Transparency Portal in accordance with previous legislation to make all its management visible to society. However, a new Law on Transparency and Good Governance of the Valencian Community has been passed that expands the information subject to active publicity. The Transparency Portal of the university must therefore be adapted to the requirements of this new law while the information published on the Transparency Portal must be periodically updated.
The Transparency Portal also has direct access for dealing with requests for access to information.
LAESG07 Adapt the UV Transparency Portal to the requirements of current regulations and coordinate its regular updating.
Head: Office of the General Secretary
Coordinator: Office of the General Secretary