To achieve its strategic objectives, the UV requires adequate funding. However, it also needs to make efficient use of its available resources so as to direct the greatest amount of funds towards financing its aims. We must therefore be active in our search for income and diligent in our control of expenses.
LAEVEI01 Prepare, implement and manage an Income and Expenditure Optimisation Plan for the University. This Plan will include initiatives for obtaining extraordinary funds by taking advantage of the European Next Generation EU Funds, achieving the best possible levels in the objectives of the Multiannual Financing Plan approved by the Autonomous Government, and monitoring and taking measures to contain superfluous expenses (especially to control the price of supplies and purchases).
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Economics and Infrastructure and Office of the General Manager
Coordinator: Office of the Deputy General Manager for Economic and Services Coordination
The age of many UV infrastructures means that some of our facilities have deteriorated with the passage of time. It also means that certain construction solutions are not in line with the principles of energy efficiency that should be prioritised at this time. PEUV 2023-2026 will aim to process environmental licences for buildings that do not yet have them and to progressively undertake actions aimed at improving the efficiency of our university spaces.
LAEVEI02 Develop a plan to renovate air-conditioning systems, lighting and building façades in order to reduce consumption and increase user comfort.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Economics and Infrastructure
Coordinator: Technical and Maintenance Service
Putting people at the centre of UV policies also means that designing new spaces and revising existing ones should be undertaken with the aim of transforming common areas into more functional and comfortable ones for the university community as a whole.
LAEVEI03 Prepare an annual schedule of projects for building new infrastructures and improving existing ones based on an annual budget earmarked for our own investments to address the needs of the UV’s campuses, faculties, schools and research institutes.
Head: Office of the Vice-Rector for Economics and Infrastructure
Coordinator: Technical Unit