Admission requirements
If I completed my previous studies abroad, what are the necessary requirements to pursue a doctoral degree in Spain?
The requirements for the applicants who have completed their previous studies abroad, depend on the country where the degree was obtained.
Depending on the case, the following documents will be required:
- Translations of documentation.
- The list of marks converted according to a scale from 1 to 10.
- Legalisation or apostille of the degree and of the official academic certificate.
- Official accreditation («homologación») of foreign higher education qualifications or, in the absence of it, the payment of a fee corresponding to the equivalent study degree.
Should I have any previous professional experience to be admitted to the Doctoral programme?
No, it is not a mandatory requirement. In line with a specific doctoral programme, professional experience may only a criteria to prioritise applications in respect to one another if there are many admission applications.
More information:
Which requirements must a student meet in order to apply for admission to the Doctorate?
For all purposes, in order to be admitted to a Doctorate Programme in its training period, it will be necessary to hold the official Spanish Undergraduate Degree (or equivalent) and University Master's Degree. Similarly, those who are in any of the following situations can also access:
1. For all purposes, in order to be admitted to an official Doctorate Programme, it will be necessary to hold the official Spanish Undergraduate Degree, or equivalent, and University Master's Degree.
2. Similarly, those who are in any of the following situations can also access:
a) To hold an official Spanish University Degree, or from other country member of the European Higher Education Area, which enables the access to a Master in accordance with the provisions of the article 16 in the Royal Decree 1393/2007, from 29 October, and have gained at least 300 credits ECTS in the official university studies, 60 of which may be Masters-level.
b) To hold an official Spanish Undergraduate Degree, the duration of which, according to the rules of Community law, must be at least of 300 credits ECTS. The mentioned graduates need to obligatory pursue the supplementary training mentioned in the article 7.2 of this regulation, unless the curriculum of the corresponding undergraduate degree includes research training credits, equivalent in training value to research credits from Master's studies.
c) University graduates who, after being admitted to the corresponding access test to specialised health training, have passed with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a programme for obtaining an official degree of any of the specialities in Health Science.
d) To hold a degree according to foreign education systems, without needing to be homologated, after verification by the university that it is equivalent to the official Spanish University Master's Degree and that ir entitles the holder to access Doctorate studies in the country that issued the degree. This admission will not imply, under any circumstances, the homologation of the previous degree that the interested party holds nor its recognition for other effects different to the access to Doctorate studies.
e) To hold other Spanish Doctor's degree obtained according to previous university regulations.
f) To hold an official university degree equivalent to level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES, for its Spanish: Marco Español de Cualificaciones para la Educación Superior), in accordance with the procedure established in the Royal Decree 967/2014 from 21 November, that establishes the requirements and procedure for the homologation and the attestion of equivalence to degree and to an official university academic level and for the recognition of foreign higher education studies, and the procedure to determine the equivalence to the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of official titles of architect, engineer, graduate, technical architect, technical engineer and diploma.More information:
Which degree should I have to be admitted to the Doctoral programme?
Any of the following degrees:
A Bachelor’s and Master’s degree
A licentiate degree
A Master of Advanced Studies obtained in line with the Spanish Royal Decree 778/1998 as of 30 April or sufficient research work regulated in the Spanish Royal Decree 185/1985 as if 23 January.
Accreditation of a positive assessment of the courses in specialized healthcare training.
The PhD degree in the abovementioned regulations.
More information:
Should I have completed the corresponding studies and obtained a certain degree to access and pre-enrol in the doctoral programme?
The students who finish their prior studies to access a PhD programme this academic year, can pre-enrol even if they have not completed these studies at the moment of application.
They can be admitted and enrol in the programme. However, this enrolment procedure will be subject to checking whether all the admission requirement were met before 30 November. Failure to fulfil these conditions shall result in the cancelation of the official enrolment.
Where can I find the specific requirements to access a doctoral programme?
Each doctoral programme can set specific requirements for the admission. The specific requirements for the admission can be found in the description of the Doctoral programme online on the websites of the Student Service and of the Doctoral School in the corresponding section of Doctoral programmes offering.
What is the difference between a validated foreign degree and an apostilled or legalized foreign degree?
The process of legalization or apostille is necessary for the degrees and certificates issued by the university outside the European Union or any signatory countries to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or to the bilateral agreement with the European Union. A student should legalise or apostille the degree or the certificate in the country where it was issued.
Meanwhile, validation of the university degree issued outside Spain is a resolution authorised by the Spanish Ministry of Education, which declares that the foreign degree has an equivalent academic level or an official university degree in Spain.
To pre-enrol in a PhD programme at the Universitat de València and start the admission process, a student should legalise or apostille the degree issued by the university outside the European Union or any signatory countries to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or to the bilateral agreement with the European Union. Concerning the foreign degree validation by the Spanish Ministry of Education, it is sufficient for a student to pay the fees corresponding to the equivalent degree in Spain during the pre-enrolment procedure.
What happens if I have been admitted to a master’s degree and I do not enrol within the period established?
Candidates who have been admitted to a master’s degree and do not enrol within the period established will lose their right to the place initially allocated to them, which will be offered to applicants on the waiting list or made available in the next pre-enrolment phase, as appropriate.
If you have been admitted in pre-enrolment Extraordinary Phase and you do not enrol within the deadline set, you can ask the Student Services if there are any places available.
Quins requisits ha de complir un estudiant per a sol·licitar l'admissió en el Doctorat?
Generally, for entering an official doctoral programme the applicants must hold one of the Spanish official qualifications such as an Undergraduate degree, or equivalent and a Master’s Degree qualification.
Although, acces will be given to those under the following circumstances:
a) To be in possession of official Spanish university degrees or equivalent Spanish degrees provided that at least 300 ECTS credits have been passed in the whole of these teachings and accredit a level 3 of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
b) To be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), without the need for homologation, which accredits a level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework, provided that said degree entitles access to doctoral studies in the country where it was issued. This admission shall not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party, nor its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies. c) Be in possession of a degree obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems outside the EHEA, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish university Master's degree and that it qualifies in the country of issue of the degree for access to doctoral studies. This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party nor its recognition for purposes other than access to doctoral studies. The study of the equivalence of degrees is subject to an administrative fee payable at the time of electronic pre-registration for the doctoral program (see the annual Decree of the Government of the Generalitat Valenciana which sets the fees for the provision of university academic services).
d) To be in possession of another doctoral degree.
e) Likewise, university graduates who, after obtaining a place in training in the corresponding entrance exam for specialized health training places, have passed with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a program for obtaining the official degree in one of the specialties in Health Sciences, may also be admitted".
f)To hold an official university degree corresponding to the level 3 of the Spanish Higher Education Qualifications Framework, according to the procedure stablished in the Decree Law 967/2014, 21 November, on the requirements and procedure for the homologation and attestation of equivalence of qualifications at an official university academic level and for the recognition or foreign higher education studies, and the procedure to determine the correspondence to the levels within the Spanish Higher Education Qualifications Framework of the determine the correspondence to the levels within the Spanish Higher Education Qualifications Framework of the official qualifications of Architect, Engineer, Degree, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer and Advanced Diploma.Those who hold a licenciatura (Spanish former Undergraduate Degree), Architects and Engineers who have a Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained according the Royal Decree 778/1998, 30 April or had reached the Research Proficiency regulated in the Royal Decree 185/1985, 23 January, also could be admitted in the doctoral studies regulated in the current Decree.
Should I look for a thesis supervisor before starting the pre-enrolment procedure to the doctoral programme?
Even though it is not a general requirement to have a thesis supervisor before the pre-enrolment procedure, some doctoral programmes do include this demand as their specific requirement. To find more information, please, check the specific requirements of each doctoral programme in the “Admission” section.
Should I prove my language proficiency to access the doctoral programme?
It depends on the specific requirements of each doctoral programme. The specific admission requirements can be found in the doctoral card of each programme in the “Admission” section.
What happens if I were admitted and enrolled in a doctoral programme, but I cannot provide any certificate proving the completion of the previous studies before 30 November, which would give me access to the doctoral programmes?
Starting from 30 November, the Doctoral School will cancel the enrolment of all student who have not certified the completion of their previous studies which give them access to the doctoral programmes.