Accessibility in digital content is a commitment that the Universitat de València always has in mind. That is why it has drawn up a Quick Guide for the preparation of accessible materials (not available in English), the aim of which is to help in the preparation of text and audiovisual documents in the field of accessibility. Structuring a document correctly, choosing an appropriate font size and contrast, labelling a photograph with an alternative text, among other apparently simple actions, make access easier for any user.

The UVdisability University Guide (not available in English) also has a range of technical and human resources available, such as the loan of support products for use throughout the academic year (FM radio stations, recorders, digital pens, self-copying notebooks for taking notes in class), advice on specific software, or adaptation of materials needed to make them accessible: in relay, in Braille, font enlargements, subtitling of videos, conversion of formats for JAWS readers, as well as the adaptation of exams according to the needs of each student: font size/source, additional time, Braille, computer-based completion, etc.

On the other hand, in the Electronic Administration Portal of the Spanish Government there is plenty of informative material on accessible design and development of different web contents, among which help manuals for the management and maintenance of accessibility in the Administration's web portals, videos, applications for mobiles, and guides for accessibility to PDFs and office documents: