Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Calendario EBAU y preinscripción
Admission of new Degree Students in September

Students who have not obtained a place in the degree they wanted to study have the opportunity to apply to be on the waiting lists in case there are places left after the enrolment period at the end of July and beginning of August.

The waiting lists are not in person, each adjudication is published on the University's website, and interested persons will check the result individually, so it is necessary to be aware of the dates of the appeals.

If you are on a waiting list and are interested in obtaining a place, you must access the Universitat de València's website and confirm your interest in continuing on the waiting list for each degree course you are on. Students on the waiting list will be awarded their places on 2, 7 and 9 September.

The confirmation deadline for each of the appeals will be the day before until 23:59.

After each adjudication, if you have not been admitted, you must again indicate online that you are still interested, given that if any vacancy arises after the enrolment process, the centre will cover it in order of waiting list. Remember that if this confirmation is not made, the program will automatically exclude the interested party from the lists, which means that the option of being admitted to that degree will be lost. It should not be forgotten that the desire to continue on the waiting list must be confirmed for each of the appeals.

If you are assigned a place from the waiting list, you will have to consult the website of the centre where you have been admitted to find out the enrolment date. If you are already enrolled, you will cancel the initial enrolment before going to enrol in the new place assigned by the waiting list, and so on as many times as you are admitted to a degree course that, in order of preference, is before the one assigned by pre-enrolment.

The tests of the extraordinary call of the EBAU (university entrance examinations) will be held between 8 and 10 September, and the Universitat de València will begin the second phase of pre-enrolment for its offer of Degrees.

The places offered in the September pre-enrolment are those left over from the assignment of places to people on the waiting lists for 2, 7 and 9 September (with the exception of the reservation for those who have made the access for people over 25, 40 and 45 years old). The new pre-enrolment period will be on 14 and 21 September. The new awards will be announced on 24 September.


ScheduleFrom 31 july 2020 to 24 september 2020. Every day at 00:00 to 08:58.



Organized by

Universitat de València.


Contact accesouni@uv.es

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