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Study at the Faculty of Economics: professionalisation and employability guarantee.

Study at the Faculty of Economics: professionalisation and employability guarantee

Our goal is that you achieve your dreams.

Our goal is that you achieve your dreams

Agreement with Facultat de Dret in order to offer the double degree program in Law and Economics

  • July 23rd, 2018
Image de la noticia

Representatives of the Facultat de Dret and the Facultat d’Economia have reached an agreement to start the appropriate administrative procedures to be able to offer, as of the next academic year 2019-2020, a double degree program in Law and Economics.

This Double degree aims for meeting the vocation and interest of those students who wish to achieve a broad, rigorous and competitive training in the field of legal and economic studies, with a special focus on the international economy and the public sector.

These studies have been designed to be taught in trilingual mode, during a period of five academic years, at the end of which the graduates will obtain two degrees, one in Law and another in Economics, which undoubtedly entails very important professional advantages.