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Study at the Faculty of Economics: professionalisation and employability guarantee

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Our goal is that you achieve your dreams

8-9 mayo I Congreso Internacional “Delincuencia sexual On-line: retos en investigación e intervención”
OPEN ENROLLEMENT: I INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Online sexual crime: Researching and intervention challenges”

OPEN ENROLLEMENT: I INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Online sexual crime: Researching and intervention challenges”

Technologies develop and so do the methods employed by criminals to carry out their crimes. As a consequence, nowadays most part of sexual crimes take place on the Internet. Online sexual crime is a phenomenon which concerns modern society, as it harms the most vulnerable part of it: children. It is a global problem which demands international and multidisciplinary solutions.

This conference aims to create a gathering, reflection and analysis space about a booming crime typology. In order to do that, we will count on the interventions of national and international experts on this matter, who will approach us to this phenomenon from a psychological, police, legal and crime point of view. Furthermore, other academics will be offered the opportunity of sharing their works.


Tuesday, 8th May from 9.30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Wednesday, 9th May from 9.30 a.m. to 13.30 pm.


Date From 12 march 2018 to 7 may 2018. 24h. Every day.


Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Derecho

Organized by

Universitat de València a través del ICCP, Facultat de Dret i Proyecto I+D+i GV2017/154 "La libertad vigilada: fundamentos político-criminales y aplicación práctica".



Contact gestioniccp@uv.es

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