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Scientific myths about the end of the Universe. Talk by Prado Martín

What can we know about the end of the Universe thanks to cosmology? Which are the implications of not knowing about a 70% of the energetic content of our Universe? How can learn about the origin, evolution and fate of the Universe without getting lost among huge cosmic scales?

The cosmologist Prado Martín is interested in the understanding of the universe, the nature of the present stage of expansion, its origin and future. She will tell us about scientific myths regarding the end of the universe, all the current knowledge about the history of the cosmos and also about how this knowledge and understanding have evolved thanks to observation. Martín is an expert in theoretical physics. She has made a research to confirm if Einstein’s general relativity theory is able to describe the Universe in all observable scales considering that, as cosmology develops more precise methods, some discrepancies have risen up. She will also talk about the role of dark matter, probably the greatest mystery which shall help to find out about the future of the Universe.


Date 13 march 2018 at 19:00 to 20:00. Tuesday.


Estufa Freda. Jardí Botànic de la Unversitat de València. Entrada por c/Beat Gaspar de Bono s/n (València)

Organized by

La Física del Grel y el JBUV.



Contact cicbotanic@uv.es

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