Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

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This Thursday, 5th September, the Hall of the Faculty of Economics witnessed a crowd of young people speaking in different languages and sharing the same hope: studying in the Faculty of Economics at University of Valencia. The Faculty hosted the Welcome Incoming, a welcome session for the students of the Erasmus+ Programme and the International Programme that will study in our Faculty. More than 600 students from 200 universities of 50 countries have been called. Dutch, German, Bulgarian and Greek students represent an important proportion of these students, being people of the five continents among them.

During the session, the students were received by our Vice Dean of International Relations Asunción Hernández, the administration staff and the mentor students, who explained relevant issues of the life in our Campus, the services offered by our University and information about academic management.

Currently, the University of Valencia receives almost 2,000 exchange students every year, 800 of them studying in the Faculty of Economics, what places us as the Leading Centre in exchange students in Europe. With regard to the outgoing students, more than 600 students of the Faculty will participate in the Erasmus + Programme and the International Programme during this year.

Undoubtedly, the process of internationalization of the Faculty of Economics is a cornerstone in the strategic management of the Centre. In this regard, the Faculty is in negotiations in order to introduce news International Double Degrees with other universities, as well as other projects for the extension of the current agreements in Europe, the USA and Russia, for which the Faculty is currently offering 13 International Double Degrees for the Degrees in Business Administration and Management (ADE), International Business (GIB), and Economy (ECO).