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La matrícula de les assignatures dels plans a extingir va vinculada al calendari d'extinció de les titulacions. Pots fer la consulta d'aquesta vinculació.

Enrolment is necessary a step in order to pursue studies and this process is completed when payment is made or when you submit proof of exemption (scholarship, disability, etc.). Each academic year faculties and schools set up specific enrolment schedules within a prescribed time frame established by the authorised vice-rector.

Order of priority

Enrolment priority is based on academic performance. This performance is the result of the weighted sum of three components:

  1. The number of credits remaining to obtain the degree: 25%
  2. Average grade of the academic transcript: 25%
  3. Proportion of passed credit hours from the previous academic year: 50%

15 days after the June-July examination period has finished, data from the academic transcript is used to calculate the value assigned for the order of enrolment.

Enrolment limits

Within the enrolment period, there are two phases:

Ordinary phase: the maximum number of credits taken may not exceed 20% more than regular course credits.
In addition, you are required to enrol for all failed core and obligatory courses in previous years. These are not counted towards the maximum sum exceeding 20% of the course credits.

Extraordinary phase: it may be possible to expand enrolment in groups that were not filled in the ordinary phase.
Through an agreement with the faculty/school board, more limits may be set for the ordinary phase, which are justified due to excess of demand.


Subgroups of practical classes

If you enrol in a theoretical class, you will then be automatically assigned to a subgroup of a practical class. Two aspects should be considered:

  • The compatibility of the timetable
  • The linguistic option

The faculty or school may open a place for group and/or subgroup changes.

Enrolment changes and cancellation


You may make a request to the dean of the faculty or director of the school for an enrolment change within a specific time frame. This is reserved for the following accredited cases:

  • Subjects that have already been passed or recognised
  • Completion of studies
  • Completion of credits for scholarships/grants
  • Any other cases deemed relevant by the faculty or school


Enrolment cancellation is only admissible in these cases:

  1. Non-payment of tuition fees.
  2. The student voluntarily does not enrol for all failed core and compulsory subjects from previous years.
  3. Force majeure, making it impossible to continue studies for the academic year. The following are considered causes due to force majeure, which must be significant in order to cancel enrolment. Cancellations:
  • Illness
  • Work-related or professional reasons
  • Economic loss in the household
  • Any other reason comparable to those listed above

If the request for cancellation due to force majeure is made before 31 December, you may ask for a refund of tuition fees.
Enrolment cancellation shall imply revocation of qualifications that may have been included, as well as any qualifications that have not been obtained yet.

Other academic enrolment considerations

You cannot simultaneously take more than 6 core or compulsory subjects in the same semester.

The degree programme may require that you pass a minimum number of credit hours in the first cycle in order to enrol for a subject in the second cycle.

When an optional subject is no longer offered, the faculty or school shall maintain two exam sessions in each of the two subsequent academic years.

Groups have a set minimum and maximum number of places.

The average size of subgroups of practical classes should be between 40 and 50 students.
Once enrolment is completed, the faculty or school may reorganise groups and subgroups. If a group is then closed due to lack of students, a procedure shall be opened so that affected students can readapt to the new enrolment conditions.

Applicable legislation