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  • Serra, M., M.J. Carmona, E.M. García-Roger & R. Ortells (2020). Surviving uncertainty. Biodiversity, adaptation, and environmental fluctuation in rotifers. Monograph Mètode Science Studies Journal, 10: 183-191. DOI: 10.7203/metode.10.14398.
  • Tarazona, E., J.I. Llucas-Lledó, M.J. Carmona & E.M. García-Roger (2020). Gene expression in diapausing rotifer eggs in response to divergent environmental predictability regimes. Scientific Reports 10: 21366.


  • García-Roger, E.M., E. Lubzens, D. Fontaneto & M. Serra (2019). Facing Adversity: Dormant Embryos in Rotifers. The Biological Bulletin 237:119-144. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1086/705701
  • Tarazona, E., C. Hahn, L. Franch-Gras, E.M. García-Roger, M.J. Carmona & A. Gómez (2019). Ecological genomics of adaptation to unpredictability in experimental rotifer populations. Scientific Reports 9: 19646 (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-56100-y
  • Bois, A., E.M. García-Roger, E. Hong, S. Hutzler, A. Irannezhad, A. Mannioui, P. Richmond, B.M. Roehner & S. Tronche (2019). Infant mortality across species. A global probe of congenital anomalies. Physica A. 535. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2019.122308
  • Serra, M., E. M. García-Roger, R. Ortells & M.J. Carmona (2019). Cyclically parthenogenetic rotifers and the theories of population and evolutionary ecology. Limnetica 38: 67-93. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23818/limn.38.13
  • Franch-Gras, L., E. Tarazona, E.M. García-Roger, M.J. Carmona, A. Gómez & M. Serra (2019). Rotifer adaptation to the unpredictability of the growing season. Hydrobiologia DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-019-3886-y
  • Dimas-Flores, N., M. Serra, E.M. García-Roger & M.J. Carmona (2019). Evidencing the cost of sexual reproduction in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Hydrobiologia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-019-3906-y


  • Franch-Gras, L., C. Hahn, E.M. García-Roger, M.J. Carmona, M. Serra & A. Gómez (2018). Genomic signatures of local adaptation to the degree of environmental predictability in rotifers. Scientific Reports. 8(1): 16051. DOI :10.1038/s41598-018-34188-y
  • García-Roger, E.M., Ortells R. (2018). Trade-offs in rotifer diapausing egg traits: survival, hatching, and lipid content. Hydrobiologia 805: 339-350. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-017-3317-x


  • Brendonck L., Pinceel T., Ortells R. (2017). Dormancy and dispersal as mediators of zooplankton population and community dynamics along a hydrological disturbance gradient in inland temporary ponds. Hydrobiologia 796: 201-222. DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-3006-1
  • Gabaldón, C., Fontaneto, D., Carmona, M. J., Montero-Pau, J., & Serra, M. (2016). Ecological differentiation in cryptic rotifer species: what we can learn from the Brachionus plicatilis complex. Hydrobiologia 796: 7-18.
  • Tarazona, E., E.M. García‐Roger & M.J. Carmona (2017). Experimental evolution of bet hedging in rotifer diapause traits as a response to environmental unpredictability. Oikos. 126: 1162 - 1172. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/oik.04186
  • Franch-Gras, L., E.M. García-Roger, M.Serra & M.J. Carmona (2017). Adaptation in response to environmental unpredictability. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences, 284, 20170427. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.0427
  • Franch-Gras, L., E.M. García-Roger, B. Franch, M.J. Carmona & M. Serra (2017). Quantifying unpredictability: A multiple-model approach based on satellite imagery data from Mediterranean ponds. Plos One. 12 (11). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0187958


  • E.M. García-Roger, M.J. Carmona & M. Serra (2016). Modes, mechanisms and evidence of bet hedging in rotifer diapause traits. Hydrobiologia DOI: 10.1007/s10750-016-2869-5


  • Gabaldón, C., M.J. Carmona, J. Montero-Pau & M. Serra (2015). Long-Term competitive dynamics of two cryptic rotifer species: diapause and fluctuating conditions. PloS One 10: e0124406.
  • Gabaldón, C. & M.J. Carmona (2015). Allocation patterns in modes of reproduction in two facultatively sexual cryptic rotifer species. Journal of Plankton Research. 37: 429 - 440.
  • Gabaldón, C., Serra, M., Carmona, M. J., & Montero-Pau, J. (2015). Life-history traits, abiotic environment and coexistence: the case of two cryptic rotifer species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 465, 142-152.
  • Gabaldón, C., Serra, M., Carmona, M. J., & Montero-Pau, J. (2015). Life-history traits, abiotic environment and coexistence: the case of two cryptic rotifer species. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 465, 142-152.
  • Gabaldón, C., Montero-Pau, J., Carmona, M. J., & Serra, M. (2015). Life-history variation, environmental fluctuations and competition in ecologically similar species: modeling the case of rotifers. Journal of Plankton Research, 37(5), 953-965.
  • Martínez-Ruiz, C. & E.M. García-Roger (2015). Being first increases the probability of long diapause in rotifer resting eggs. Hydrobiologia 745: 111-121. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-2098-8.


  • García‐Roger, E. M., Serra, M., & Carmona, M. J. (2014). Bet‐hedging in diapausing egg hatching of temporary rotifer populations–A review of models and new insights. International Review of Hydrobiology, 99(1-2), 96-106.
  • Montero-Pau, J., Gabaldón, C., Carmona, M. J., & Serra, M. (2014). Measuring the potential for growth in populations investing in diapause. Ecological Modelling, 272, 76-83.