Universitat de ValènciaInterdisciplinary Research Structure for Reading Logo del portal

LECRIT is an instructional program aiming at training in the ability to critically evaluate the existence of contradictory information on the Internet and to identify and evaluate the reliability and validity of said information. The program is intended for students in the last years of Primary Education, as well as for young people and adults with intellectual disabilities.

The program consists of a total of 9 modules divided into four phases: I) Prior evaluation (1 module); II) Intervention-instruction (4 modules); III) Intervention-practice (3 modules) and IV) Subsequent evaluation (1 module). Professionals can adapt both the duration of the chapters and the materials of the different phases according to the interests and characteristics of the group to whom the intervention is directed.

LECRIT has been successfully tested in groups of young people with intellectual disabilities (Delgado et al., 2019). A description of the characteristics of the program and its theoretical justification can be found at Delgado et al. (2018).

The program can be fully downloaded here:


» Application guide


» LECRIT modules to download (Spanish only):

Módulo 0 (antes de empezar)

Módulo 5: ¿Quién da la información en Internet y qué intención tiene?

Módulo 1: No todos dicen lo mismo

Módulo 6 ¿Cómo explico mi respuesta?

Módulo 2: ¿Qué dice Internet?

Módulo 7: Practicamos la respuesta: ¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Dónde?

Módulo 3: ¿Dónde se encuentra la información en Internet?

Módulo 8: Continuamos practicando: ¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Dónde?

Módulo 4: ¿Quién da la información en Internet?

Módulo 9: No todos dicen lo mismo II