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  Student suport (TiquetingUV) Face to Face with prior appointment Online Office UV
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To obtain an academic certificate:

1. Via the online portal

If you already have a username and password, you must obtain your certificate (specifically for Degrees or Masters) via the online portal

  • Official academic certificate. Fee.
  • Certificate of admission to Degree programme. No fee.
  • Certificate of admission to Masters programme. No fee.
  • Certificate of academic insurance. No fee.
  • Certificate of enrolment (personal belonging, large family, procurement of NIE, renewal of NIE, external concessions). No fee.
  • Certificate of fee of enrolment. No fee.

Tutorial to request an official academic certificate via the online portal ‘Entreu’

2. Obtaining certificates for students who do not have access to the online portal

  1. Only, if you do not have a username and password you must request it through the following form:
    1. Your email address ending in @alumni.uv.es.
    2. Another email address, attaching the following authorisation form and a copy of your ID (DNI).
  2. If applicable, we will send you the receipt to pay the corresponding fee and you must send the proof of payments. 
  3. After completing step 2, you should receive your certificate within 7 days.

To obtain a certified copy that proves the authenticity of a document issued by the University of Valencia, it is necessary to send through the form copy of ID and authorization. Once this documentation has been received, the relevant invoice will be issued for the payment of the fee. Once the payment has been made, you must send the receipt to the same address and you will receive instructions as to how to proceed.

If, after a period of six months, the diploma has not been collected, the Facultat d’Economia will dispose of it.
The personal data provided will be used by the University to manage the registry of incoming and outgoing documents.

The rights of access, correction, cancellation and objection can be exercised in any Registry Office of the UV (art. 5.0 L.O. 15/1999).