University of Valencia logo Logo Candidate to Principal Mavi Mestre Logo del portal

Vice-Principal for Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies


Born in Valencia (1971). She’s a hired doctor in the Faculty of Teacher Training. Graduate in Geography and History from the Universitat de València, with the Extraordinary award in Undergraduate Degree and the second National Award of university studies completion. PhD in Geography and History, with Extraordinary award for the PhD thesis. University Master’s degree in research in Education and PhD in Education from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Her teaching takes places in Degrees in Preschool Education and in Primary School Education, also in the Degree in History and in the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training.

She coordinated the teaching innovation project “La renovación de las metodologías docentes desde la perspectiva de género” (The renewal of teaching methodologies from a gender perspective) and participated in teaching innovation projects “Propuesta de actividades y herramientas para trabajar la sexualidad saludable y la prevención de la violencia de género en el alumnado de educación secundaria” (Proposal of activities and tools to work on healthy sexuality and the prevention of gender violence in secondary school students) and “Espai Cinema”, funded by the Universitat de València. She has two five-year terms of certified teaching activity.

Her investigation labour revolves around Humanism and Culture of the 16th century, Teacher Training, Social Sciences Education and, ultimately, Gender and Education. She conducted research in projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and Universities co-funded with Fondos FEDER, by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the Ministry of Education and Innovation.

She has also conducted research in projects funded by Ministry of Culture, Education and Science, in addition to having been accepted, as a post-doctoral researcher, in the Groupe de Recherche sur les non-conformistes religieux des XVIe et XVIIe siècles et l´histoire des protestantismes.

The author of thirty articles in indexed journals and the author and coordinator of books, among which stands out “El papel de las mujeres en la sociedad actual” and “Género y didácticas”.

She’s done a post-doctoral internship in the University of Strasbourg and has carried out research stays in École des Hautes Études des Sciences de l’Homme of Paris, in the Marc Bloch University of Strasbourg and in the University of Vienna. She has two six-year terms of certified research by AVAP and one six-year term of research by ANECA.

Current secretary of Asociación de Amigos y Amigas de Joan Lluís Vives and member of SOCIAL(S), research and innovation group in geographic and historical education.