Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Content of version 1.3

This version focuses on further expanding the features of e-VALIJA, as well as implementing P2U message management for both internal and external messages.

The features introduced to improve management are the following:

  • “Redirect message” feature
  • “Reject message” feature
  • Implementation of unit groups to messages in order to facilitate sorting them.
  • Possibility to register documents sent to physical or legal people (this way going to the registry office to get an appointment number won’t be necessary)
  • Restructuring of the received messages section
  • Addition and improvement of search filters
  • Improvement in message status management in order to allow the receiver unit to specify the internal management status of the message
  • Possibility to send internal communications which won’t take a registration number
  • Furthermore, it will allow units to organise by means of internal work distribution circuits. It will be possible to establish circuits or groups allowing to “channel” the flow of documentation to units based on the management necessities of each one
  • The units will be the ones giving authorisation to users from their unit, one or more groups.
  • There’s also the addition of General application assistance to VALIJA:
  • UV general application (ENTREU Form - Present and Request) - Manage
  • UV internal application (Internal ENTREU form to send documentation of people linked to the various UV units. It adds the possibility to use VALIJA groups established by the units)
  • An URL can be attributed to each group so that it appears when a user selects a group as message or application recipient.
  • E-VALIJA was connected to e-files, enabling VALIJA users to manage TRAMITEM by sending notifications to the interested party, attaching documents to the application, pass onto the next step of the procedure, etc.
  • Lastly, the maintenance of VALIJA users can be carried out in a decentralised manner and each unit will be autonomously able to sign up, delete or assign the role of administrator to users.