Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Electronic record: When the request is registered, an electronic record is generated for it inside the General Application procedure as well as a message sent to the unit marked by the applicant or to the central registry office (depending on the selected management group). From that moment, the message is associated with that record. VALIJA managers will be able to complete the management of the procedure by going forward with its phases, generating reports and resolutions and notifying them via online office. 

The unit or group marked as definitive recipient has the responsibility to carry out the management tasks of the electronic procedure related to the general application.

The unit will check the request and the documentation, and then pass onto the next phase accordingly. During the processing it’s possible to generate reports, make notifications or communications and lastly, a stamped resolution by an authorised body, signed or unsigned by the management, will be generated and forwarded to the applicant.