• secretaria
Study Centre Website E-mail Address Telephone
Information and Promotion Service (SeDi) www.uv.es/sedi  

Tel. 1: 963 864 040

Tel. 2: 963 544 060

Tel. 3: 961 625 778

Tel. 4: 963 828 503

Student Service

www.uv.es/servei-estudiants   Tel.: 963 983 203
Computer Service (SIUV) solicitudes.uv.es    
School of Engineering www.uv.es/etse consuelo.alandes@uv.es Tel: 963 543211 
Faculty of Economics www.uv.es/economia https://ir.uv.es/economia/Consultas_Trámites

Tel1.: 961 625 151

Tel2.: 963 828 547

Tel3.: 963 828 692

Tel5.: 963 828 484

Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry www.uv.es/infermeria fipsecretaria@uv.es Tel: 96 354 43 00 (ext. 94121)
Faculty of Biological Sciences www.uv.es/biologia amparo.barbera@uv.es

Tel1: 963 544 019

Tel2: 963 544 373

Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences www.uv.es/fcafe secretariafcafe@uv.es Tel: 963 983 343
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences www.uv.es/matematiques



Tel1: 963 544 357
Tel2: 963 544 569
Faculty of Social Sciences www.uv.es/socials matriculasoc@uv.es Tel.: 963 828 514 
Faculty of Law www.uv.es/dret matdret@uv.es Tel.: 963 828 676
Faculty of Pharmacy www.uv.es/farmacia diana.talon@uv.es Tel.: 963 544 871 
Ext.: 43972 
Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication www.uv.es/filtradcom


Tel1.: 963 983 574 
Tel2.: 963 983 576
Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences www.uv.es/filoeduc


Tel: 963 864 424
Faculty of Physics www.uv.es/fisica secrefisica@uv.es

Tel1: 963 543 677 

Tel2: 963 544 467 

Tel3: 963 544 342

Tel4: 963 543 404

Tel5: 963 543 297

Faculty of Physiotherapy  www.uv.es/fisioterapia isabel.cervera@uv.es

Tel1:963 983 458

Tel2: 963 983 856

Tel3: 963 983 178

Tel4: 963 983 179

Faculty of Geography and History www.uv.es/geohist





Tel1.: 963 864 246

Tel2: 963983526

Tel3: 963864233

Tel4: 963983739


Faculty of Teacher Training www.uv.es/magisteri fac.magisteri@uv.es

Tel.: 963 864 442 
Ext.: 25476

Ext.: 57270

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry www.uv.es/mediodont gradomediodont@uv.es Tel: 963 864 751
Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy www.uv.es/psicologia J.Manuel.Bravo@uv.es

Tel1: 963 864 471

Tel2: 963 864 472

Faculty of Chemistry www.uv.es/quimica


Tel: 963 544 323