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  • Bases of the Call [pdf]
  • Formatives of the Universitat de València, for the year 2023-24 [pdf]
  • Extract of the Resolution [pdf]


Promote and develop the interest of high school students in History, reward effort and academic excellence and serve as a meeting point between secondary education and the University..


All secondary school students enrolled during the 2023-2024 academic year in the 2nd year of secondary school will be able to participate. The maximum number of participants per school is four students. Participation is on an individual basis.


The contents of the syllabus of the subject Spanish History of 2n of Bachillerato that appear in the DECRETO 87/2015, de 5 de junio, del Consell, which establishes the curriculum and develops the general organisation of Compulsory Secondary Education and the Bachillerato in the Valencian Community. [2015/5410] (DOGV núm. 7544 de 10.06.2015)


The exam will be held on 22 March 2024, starting at 10 a.m. in the classrooms of the Facultat de Geografia i Historia (Av. de Blasco Ibáñez, 28). Registered students will be summoned to the exams without the need for further personal communication. Exceptionally, the date and time may be changed if circumstances so require; in this case, the centres will be informed in due course.

Tests types

The exam will be anonymous and will last one hour. The test will consist of 35 multiple-choice questions, 5 short-answer questions to be answered by the students, which may include graphic material (maps, charts, photographs) and 4 reserve questions, all of them multiple choice. In the multiple-choice questions, an error is worth one third of a mark, while the short-answer questions will be marked with one point, 0.75, 0.50, 0.50, 0.25 or 0, depending on how close the answer is to the correct one. In the event of a tie in the final score, the exam with the fewest errors will be considered the best. If there is a tie in the allocation of the first three prizes, the four reserve questions.

At the end of this test, an additional, voluntary test will be taken in order to obtain the Access to Information and Documentation certificate, for which an additional fifteen minutes of extra time may be given. The test will consist of 10 multiple-choice questions of a general knowledge related to books, reading, libraries, social networks and new technologies applied to information.