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"Pandèmia: mirades d'una tragèdia", exhibition at the Library of Psychology and Sport

  • February 17th, 2023

The Libraries and Documentation Service of the University of Valencia has organized the exhibition "Pandemic: views of a tragedy", a traveling exhibition that has toured different libraries.

This exhibition is part of the "Culture on Campus" program within the thematic cycle: "Death and the process of dying", of the Blasco Ibáñez Campus. It is accompanied by a bibliographic exhibition of books and magazine articles on the subject.

"Pandemia: mirades d'una tragèdia" shows a selection of images collected in the book of the same title and published by Blume in 2021. The images were taken by 26 photographers during the initial days of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are personal, disturbing visions of moments full of uncertainty, loneliness, but also of heroism and professionalism.

The photographs go through hospitals, old people's homes, mortuaries and cemeteries, the main focus of lethality of the pandemic, and show daily life under the state of alarm in different countries: empty cities, shopping bags, endless hugs, health workers in protective clothing. Images that will always remain in our memory and that we would never want to see again.

The exhibition will be installed until April 5th in the Sala de Vidrio of the Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy, which is accessed from the library.