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The Biblioteca Històrica hosts the exhibition "The Jewels of Bernal"

  • September 14th, 2022
Antonio Bernal Romero
Antonio Bernal Romero

The Sala Duc de Calàbria of the Biblioteca Històrica will host, from 16 to 25 September 2022, the exhibition "Las joyas de Bernal", which brings together a small selection of the unforgettable covers that Antonio Bernal Romero did for the collection "Joyas Literarias Juveniles" of the Editorial Bruguera during the 70s. The exhibition has been organised by the Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat, l'Aula del Còmic and the Centre Cultural La Nau of the Universitat de València.

During the 1970s, the collection "Joyas Literarias Juveniles" became the first contact with classical literature for most children in this country. The almost three hundred comic adaptations signed by extraordinary scriptwriters and cartoonists meant for many the discovery of Jules Verne, Emilio Salgari, Karl May, Daniel Defoe or Charles Dickens. A collection that was engraved in the collective memory both for the incredible quality of the adaptations and for the unforgettable covers by Antonio Bernal Romero (Hospitalet de Llobegrat, 1924-2013). His work as a cover artist was in demand worldwide, establishing himself not only as one of the most prolific authors in our country with thousands of covers, but also as a reference and decisive influence for the whole subsequent generation.

The exhibition can be visited in the Sala Duc de Calàbria of the Biblioteca Històrica until 25 September.