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PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a de Mobilitat

Despacho 9 Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Universitat de València Extensión: 64418


Claudia Alonso Recarte is Associate Professor in English at the Department of English and German at the University of Valencia, Spain. She studied English Philology (with honors, 2006) and obtained her PhD (with honors, 2012) at the Complutense University of Madrid. Her research revolves around the fields of Animal Studies and Critical Animal Studies, with a particular interest in the ethical implications of nonhuman animal representations in literature and film. She is also interested in analyzing how human-nonhuman animal relationships are articulated in literary and audiovisual discourses. Thus, her research has focused on works that range from Toni Morrison’s narrative to that of Arturo Pérez-Reverte, or on cinema as diverse as Spanish film, children’s film, or documentaries. She is head and founder of CULIVIAN (GIUV2020-486) and Principal Investigator of the regional research project titled “Representations of masculinities in animal advocacy documentaries in English (2000-2021)” (Reference: CIGE/2021/100), whose members are CULIVIAN researchers. Her approach to literary and cultural studies through the lens of the animal question also allows her to explore intersecting representations related to identity politics and to fields such as Gender Studies or the Medical Humanities. She has published her work in high impact journals such as MELUS; Men and Masculinities; Studies in Theatre and Performance; Atlantis; Gender, Place and Culture; Journal for Critical Animal Studies; or Critical Studies on Terrorism, among others. Her articles have also appeared in essay collections published by Oxford University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Michigan State University Press, and Peter Lang.



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat

(9638) 64216


I lecture on English language and linguistics at the Department of English and German Philology, University of Valencia. I teach English Discourse Analysis to under-graduate students of English Studies, and Discourse in the Media at graduate level. I am a research member of the Interuniversity Institute of Applied Modern Languages (IULMA). My research interests include (digital) discourse analysis, sociopragmatics, and inter-/ cross-cultural communication. I have published in international journals like Journal of Pragmatics, Journal of Computer-Mediated CommunicationLanguage & Society, Journal of Politeness Research, Intercultural Pragmatics, Journal of Language and Politics, Gender & Language, Pragmatics & Society, and Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict. I am editor of several volumes and special issues. I am cofounder of the Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis-ADDA Conference series and organised the first one at the University of Valencia (2015). 

I have evaluated manuscripts for international scholarly journals and publishers.

I serve on the board of Spanish in Context (Co-editor, since 2019); Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict (Editorial board, since 2013); Internet Pragmatics (Editorial board, since 2017); Verbum et Lingua: Didáctica, Lengua y Cultura (Advisory board, since 2020); English Studies. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (Scientific Committee, since 2018); and Cambridge Scholars Publishers (Series: Advances in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis).



PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a de Mobilitat

Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana Universitat de València Avda/ Blasco Ibáñez 32 46010 Valencia Despacho #47 (sexto piso)

(9638) 64137


ANNA M. BRÍGIDO-CORACHÁN completed her doctoral studies in Comparative Literature at New York University and was also granted a PhD in English Rhetoric and Linguistics at the University of Valencia in 2008. She is currently Associate Professor /Senior Lecturer at the Department of English and German Philology and teaches several modules on North American literature and contemporary film at the Degree of English Studies and at the Master of Advanced English Studies of the UVEG. Prof. Brígido-Corachán has participated in several research projects financed by the Ministry of Education and the Generalitat Valenciana (on Culture, Development, Social Movements, and their influence and representation in literary discourse). Since 2019 she coordinates the research group LENA: North American Ethnic Minority Literatures in a Global Context (LENA - GIUV2019-457) which includes the research projects financed by the Generalitat Valenciana: "North American (trans)Ethnic Literatures in a Global Context: Representations, Transformations, and Resistances" (GV/2019/114) and "Reconfigurations of gender, race, and class in ethnic minority literatures of the Obama/Trum Eras" (GV/AICO/2021/249). She also coordinates the Teaching Innovation group NAPCED (financed by the Universitat de València), which examines the implementation of key concepts from Critical Pedagogy and Education for Development in anglophone literature modules engaging performative and digital environments. She is also Mobility Erasmus + Coordinator at the Degree of English Studies since 2023.

Her academic interests include contemporary U.S. literature, minority literatures and cultures in the Anglophone world, audiovisual languages, critical decolonial pedagogies, and educational ICTs, with a special research focus on contemporary Indigenous literature and history of the Americas, Indigenous traditional knowledge systems, ecocriticism, and the intersections between literature and film. She is a member of the international research network Small/Minor Literatures and the international associations European Association of American Studies, American Indian Workshop, Western Literature Association, The Society for Multiethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas (MESEA), SAAS and AEDEAN.

Relevant publications:

  • “The Self-Making, Worlding Processes of Contemporary Zapotec Literature” World Literature Before World Literature. Special Issue of the Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures. Vol. 7, n. 2. December 2023.
  • “Relational Bodies in Motion: A Trans-Indigenous Reading of Ofelia Zepeda and Irma Pineda’s Place-Based Poetry” Indigenous Journeys, Transatlantic Perspectives. Relational Worlds in Contemporary Native American Literature. Michigan State University Press, 2023.
  • Editor. Indigenous Journeys, Transatlantic Perspectives. Relational Worlds in Contemporary Native American Literature. Michigan State University Press, 2023.
  • "Kiowa Images, Stories, and Human/More-than-human Relations in Alfred and N. Scott Momaday’s The Way to Rainy Mountain." Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 2022, vol. 66: 69-90.
  • "Reframing Our Pedagogical Practice. Teaching Native American/First Nations Literature and Culture through Indigenous-centered Methodologies." Indigenizing the Classroom. Engaging Native American/First Nations Literature and Culture in Non-native Settings. Ed. Anna M. Brígido-Corachán. Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2021.
  • "Multiliteracies, Critical Framing, and Literary Analysis in BookTube Reviews". International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 2021, vol. 28, n. 1:127-138 DOI:10.18848/2327-7955/CGP/v28i01/127-138
  • "Los mundos subalternos de la literatura mundial: hacia una comparación de las literaturas indígenas en Abya Yala//las Américas". In World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality. Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise. De Gruyter (2019). Co-authored with César Domínguez.
  • "Native Waterscapes in the Northern Borderlands: Restoring Traditional Environmental Knowledge in Linda Hogan's Solar Storms." Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos, 2018, vol. 22: 37-57.
  • "Material Nature, Visual Sovereignty, and Water Rights: Unpacking the Standing Rock Movement." Studies in the Literary Imagination. Special Issue: 21st- Century American Crises: Reflections, Representations, Transformations. Part 1. 2017, vol. 50, n. 1: 69-90.
  • "Digital Storytelling and its Expansion across Educational Contexts". Appraising Digital Storytelling Across Educational Contexts. Publicacions de la Universitat de València (2014). Co-authored with Carmen Gregori-Signes.
  • "Native Journeys of Self-Figuration: N. Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain and Gloria Anzaldúa's Borderlands/La Frontera". In Selves in Dialogue. A Transethnic Approach to American Life Writing (2011). Ed. Rodopi/Brill.


PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl

Av. Blasco Ibánez 32, Planta 6, Despacho 005



Academic credentials and positions:

Research interests: 

  • Comparative literature: gender, classical reception, philosophy and literature 
  • Anglophone women writers as makers of (post)modernity
  • Classical tradition in English literature (Sappho and her literary daughters)
  • Gender and sexuality studies in Anglophone cultures
  • Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology as critical paradigm
  • Margaret Cavendish, Mary Robinson, Michael Field and Emma Donoghue
  • Translation of Anglophone women's works into Spanish


PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a Curs

Facultad de Filología, Traducción y Comunicación Blasco Ibáñez, 32 46010 Valencia Despacho 67, 6º piso

(9639) 83582


Ana Belén Cabrejas Peñuelas is an Associate Professor at the University of Valencia (Spain), where she teaches academic English to undergraduate students and Discourse in the Media as well as Learning and Teaching of English at graduate level. She holds a MA (Northwestern State University, Louisiana, USA) and a PhD degree (University of Valencia, Spain) on ESL/EFL writing. Currently, Dr. Cabrejas-Peñuelas investigates the cognitive processes involved in second or foreign language writing, in particular the revision process and the use of the mother tongue, although she is also concerned with Discourse Analysis, Pragmatics and Systemic Functional Linguistics. She has authored and co-authored more than 30 publications (including books, book chapters and journal articles) and has given lectures in more than 30 national and international conferences. She has contributed chapters to international volumes and published papers in renown journals like Pragmatics Quarterly, Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada (RESLA), Discourse and Society, Ibérica, Atlantis, Intercultural Pragmatics, Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación y ELIA Journal. She is the co-editor of IULMA Monografías, Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia (PUV). She is part of the research project Red temática sobre comunicación conflictiva y mediación: interacción, vínculos relacionales y cohesión social (CoCoMInt) (RED2022-134123-T).



PDI-Titular d'Universitat

(9638) 64728


Begoña Clavel Arroitia is a senior lecturer in the English and German Department at the Universitat de València and a member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades (IULMA). Before that, she was a secondary school teacher. She teaches English as a foreign language and second language acquisition at undergraduate and post-graduate level. She has carried out research on authenticity in language course books and negotiation of meaning (NoM) in classroom discourse. Recently she has analysed NoM in telecollaboration exchanges in secondary schools and looked into lexical density, diversity and sophisticated in a telecollaborative exchange at the tertiary level. She has taken part in several regional, national and European Projects. In the last decade, she has participated in the TILA and TeCoLa projects. From 2022 to 2025 she will be participating in the European Erasmus+ E-LIVE project.



PDI-Titular d'Universitat

(9639) 83585



PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Responsables de Gestio Academica
Coordinador/a Titulacio de Grau

Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Universitat de València Blasco Ibáñez, 32 46010 València

(9638) 64418


Ana Fernández-Caparrós is associate professor of English and American Literature at the University of Valencia and a member of the Research Group “Literature, Arts and Performance” based in that institution. She holds a PhD from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and her main field of research is contemporary American drama, on which she has spoken widely in academic contexts and published in journals such as Studies in Theatre and Performance, Contemporary Theatre Review, Atlantis, Journal of Contemporary Drama in English (JCDE), South Atlantic Review and others. She is the author of the book El teatro de Sam Shepard en el Nueva York de los sesenta (PUV 2015); the co-editor of the collection of essays Poéticas por venir, políticas del duelo (Verbum 2014), and with N. Hernando-Real and F. Vericat of the Special Issue of Complutense Journal of English Studies “Staging the Sounds of a Nation: The Poetic Soundscapes of the USA” (2015). In 2017 she edited the first of a two-part monographic issue of Studies in the Literary Imagination: “21st-Century American Crises: Reflections, Representations, Transformations” (Vol. 50.1, 2017). As an outcome of her recent research on 21st-century US drama she has recently contributed a chapter on the theatre of Sarah Ruhl to the volume American Dramaturgies for the Twenty-First Century, edited by Julie Vatain-Cordfir (Presses Université de Sorbonne, 2021) and an article in the volume Staging 21st Century Tragedies. Theatre, Politics and Global Crisis, edited by Avra Sidiroloupou (Routledge, 2022).




PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat

Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació, Despatx 075 (planta 6) Avda Blasco Ibáñez 32 46010 València

(9639) 83423


Miguel Fuster-Márquez is a full professor of English at the University of Valencia and a member of the Interuniversity Institute of Applied Modern Languages (IULMA). He has published research on the application of corpus approaches in the fields of English lexicology, phraseology, discourse, linguistic variation and change, teaching methodologies, and advertising. More recently he has participated in projects related to the critical analysis of journalistic discourse, where he has applied corpus methodologies.





PDI-Titular d'Universitat

Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Universitat de València Avinguda Blasco Ibáñez 32 46010 València

(9633) 95034


Maria-Lluïsa Gea-Valor is a Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics in the Department of English and German Philology at the Universitat de València, Spain. From 2002 to 2016 she taught at the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló, Spain, where she was vice-dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences for six years. Her teaching expertise ranges from undergraduate to graduate courses.

Her research interests lie in the field of genre analysis, especially evaluative and promotional genres, written academic discourse, and literary translation. She has specialised in the academic book review and the book blurb. Her work has been published in prestigious journals such as Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of English for Specific Purposes, and Ibérica, as well as in the volumes Academic Evaluation: Review Genres in University Settings (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), Constructing Interpersonality: Multiple Perspectives on Written Academic Discourse (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), and Dialogicity in Written Specialised Genres (John Benjamins, 2014), among others. She has co-edited several books on applied linguistics, corpus linguistics and translation, and has co-authored the book A Practical Introduction to English Phonology (PUV, 2012) with Dr. Barry Pennock-Speck. She is currently working on the English translation of Enric Valor's folktale corpus, together with Dr. Paul Scott Derrick; they have recently published Valencian Folktales by Enric Valor. Volume 1 (Routledge, 2022).

From 2010 to 2014, Maria-Lluïsa was a member of the ENEIDA research group ( She is now part of the GENDIGIT research team ( Since 2006, she has also been part of IULMA (Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas).

Over the years, she has been a visiting scholar at Georgetown University (USA), Southern Connecticut State University (USA), Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany), Université de Genève (Switzerland) and the Institute of Education, University of London (UK).



PDI-Titular d'Universitat

Facultad de Filología, Traducción y Comunicación Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32. Valencia 46010 España

(9638) 64057


Full-time lecturer in English Laguage and Linguistics at ​​the Universitat de València since 1992, currently senior reader. Founding member of the University Institute of Applied Modern Languages ​within the UV (IULMA-UV), and of the Group of Support for Research in Linguistic Variation (SILVA Group). She has lectured on  linguistics and professional English in undergraduate degrees in English Studies, Tourism Studies, Economics and International Business Studies. She has also lectured on specialized English issues in the Ph.D. program in Specialized Languages, ​​and in several postgraduate degrees such as the Master in Economic Internationalization, Master in Tourism Management, Master in International and EU Relations, Master in Research in Languages ​​and Literatures, and Master in Advanced English Studies. She has worked in the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Economics and also in the Faculty of Philology (FFTC) and has collaborated as visititng lecturer and researcher with universities in Spain (e.g. University of Alicante, Universitat Jaume I of Castellón) and abroad (e.g. Roehampton University, South Bank University, Nottingham University, Liverpool University). Her main areas of ​​research are linguistic variation in contemporary English and professional communication, especially approached from cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatic semantics and corpus linguistics. She has participated in numerous national and international conferences, and has published her work in prestigious editorials and journals (e.g. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Arbor, Journal of Pragmatics, Ibérica, International Journal of English Studies, Cuadernos de Filología: Estudios Lingüísticos, etc.)



PDI-Contractat/Da Doctor/A
Coordinador/a Curs

Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Campus de Blasco Ibáñez Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 32 46010 València (València) Despatx 072

(9616) 25626


Dr Maria Gaviña Costero is a lecturer at the English Department of Universitat de València, where she earned her PhD with a thesis about the dramatic oeuvre of Brian Friel. Her main research interests include contemporary Irish literature from a gender perspective, the relation between literature and conflict, and theatre reception. She has published several scholarly articles both in Spanish and in English on contemporary Northern Irish literature and its reception in Spain. She has contributed a chapter in the books Adaptations, Versions and Perversions in Modern British Drama; Ireland and Dysfunction: Critical Explorations in Literature and Film; Words of Crisis, Crisis of Words: Ireland and the Representation of Critical Times; Re-Thinking Literary Identities: Great Britain, Europe and Beyond, Non-Violent Resistance: Irreverence in Irish Culture and Trauma, Memory and Silence of the Irish Woman in Contemporary Literature: Wounds of the Body and the Soul. She has published the book Érase una vez Ballybeg, in which Brian Friel is introduced to the Spanish audience.

She is a member of the Literature, Arts and Performance research group and participates in the research project AICO/2021/225.




PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Secretari/a d' Institut Universitari


PDI-Titular d'Universitat

Desp. 072 Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Av. Blasco Ibañez 32 46010 València

(9633) 95033


Dr. Carmen Gregori is a  senior lecturer  at the Dpt. of English and German Philology since 1991, a member of IULMA (University Institute of Modern Languages) since 2005, member of the Language Commission of the University of Valencia. She has experience teaching English at all levels and has also taught Spanish as a foreign language both in Spain and abroad (Iowa University, Middlebury College, United States). He completed a Master's degree in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Nottingham and has been a visiting professor at several foreign universities (Nottingham University, Birmingham University, Iowa University, Cambridge University, Università degli studi di Bergamo, Swansea University, Queen Mary University, George Mason University). She was the Erasmus Coordinator for English Studies from 2003 to 2011 and Erasmus Coordinator for Humanities from 2006 to 2011. Her current research interests include corpus linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis, grammar and ICT in the classroom. Recently her research is dedicated to the study of hate speech, violence and abuse against women, both in fiction and non-fiction. She is director of the research group CORPLING GIUV2018-425 (Corpus Linguistics: developments and applications) and member of the research project NEWSGEN (ID2019-110863GB-I00) that studies the textual and multimodal construction of gender violence against women in large corpora. He is a member of the scientific committee of the journals: English Profile (Cambridge *University Press), Philologia Hispalensis (University of Seville) and Revista de Lingüísticos y Lenguas Aplicadas, Digital Education Review; and of the series  Genderising/Reconsidering Genre.



PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl

Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació.Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Despatx 051A (6 planta) Avinguda Blasco Ibáñez, nº 32, 46010, València, Espanya

(9638) 64677


Francisco Miguel Ivorra Pérez is associate professor in the English and German Department at the University of Valencia, member of IULMA-Valencia and Head of the Research Group SILVA (Group for Support for Investigation in Language Variation Analysis). He holds a Bachelor Degree and a PhD in English Philology (Specialization: Cross-cultural Pragmatics applied to ESP) by the Universty of Alicante and Master in EnglishTranslation and Interpretation by this University. His career starts as a grant holder of research and teaching (2006-2008) in the English Department at the University of Alicante and from 2009 to 2016 as a part-time professor in this same department. In 2016 he obtains a position as assitant lecturer in the English and German Department of the University of Valencia and in 2020 obtains a position as an associate professor in this same Department. His main areas of research are Discourse Analysis, English for Professional and Academic Purposes and Cross-cultural Pragmatics (English-Spanish). He is author of the book La comunicación intercultural y el discurso de los negocios, edited by the University of Alicante and has published several articles on cross-cultural pragmatics applied to professional and academic genres in national and international journals as well as book chapters. He has also participated in numerous national and international conferences. Currently, he is the coordinator of the unit of English for Specific Purposes.



PDI-Ajudant Doctor/A

Despatx 03b



[Biography, english version]



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat

Àrea de coneixement: FILOLOGIA ANGLESA Departament: Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya (9639) 83062

(9639) 83062


CARME MANUEL is Professor of English in the Department de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya at the Universitat de València, where she started lecturing on American literature in 1992. After graduating from the Universitat de València in 1982 and passing a state exam in 1983, she became Professor of English in Secondary Education and taught English language for four years in IES Sogorb (Castelló) and six in IES Clot del Moro, Sagunt (València). In 1992 she completed her doctoral studies after a year at the University of Chicago. She has taught courses on the American Modernist novel, African American slave narratives, Harlem Renaissance literature, nineteenth- and twentieth- century drama and poetry, pre-Faulknerian southern fiction, American ethnic literatures, among others. Her interests lie in African American studies and genre studies and she has published and lectured widely on nineteenth- and twentiethcentury American and African American women writing. Among other publications, she has edited and is the author of the first Spanish translations of Our Nig (Harriet E. Wilson), Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Harriet A. Jacobs), Behind the Scenes (Elizabeth Keckley), and is the author of the first anthology published in Catalan of eighteenth- and nineteenthcentury African American women poets. She has also written on Charles Brockden Brown, Mark Twain, George Washington Cable, Walt Whitman, Eugene O’Neill, among others. She is a reviewer for a number of both Spanish and American academic journals. She has also coauthored with Josep-Vicent Garcia i Raffi the first anthology and translation of Welsh poetry into Catalan, the biography of Welsh activist and translator Esyllt T. Lawrence, and a number of essays on Welsh language and teaching and its relation to Catalan language and teaching in the Comunitat Valenciana. Her research interests and publications focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century fiction, with a special emphasis on African American women’s writing. In 2002 she founded the independent scholarly collection Biblioteca Javier Coy d’estudis nordamericans (PUV) devoted to publishing work on American studies. BJC has published 192 volumes to date by Spanish, American and European scholars.



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
Coordinador/a Curs

Despacho 013. Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 32 46010 Valencia

(9639) 83885


Dr. Juan José Martínez Sierra is a Full Professor in the Department of English and German Studies at the Universitat de València. Within this department, he instructs courses on Written and Audiovisual Translation, Intercultural Communication, and English Language at both undergraduate and graduate levels. He earned his doctorate in Translation Studies from Universitat Jaume I in 2004, complemented by a degree in English Language and Culture from UJI in 1995, as well as an MA in Intercultural Communication from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, in 2001. His primary area of expertise lies in Audiovisual Translation, which comprises a significant portion of both his teaching curriculum and research endeavors. His research predominantly revolves around the study of audiovisual translation from an intercultural standpoint. This pursuit has yielded a prolific array of engagements, including lectures, seminars, invited talks, and presentations at national and international conferences. Dr. Martínez Sierra boasts an extensive publication record, encompassing over 100 works, such as books, book chapters, reviews, and numerous articles in esteemed scientific journals. He serves as the coordinator for CiTrans and collaborates actively with the research groups SILVA (Universitat de València) and TRAMA (UJI).



PDI-Titular d'Universitat

Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Studies Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication Erasmus+ Coordinator - English Studies IULMA/Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Avda. Blasco Ibañez 32-6 46010 Valencia Tlf. 96.398.35.83 GENTEXT Research Group: http://g...



Sergio Maruenda-Bataller is Senior Lecturer of English Language and Linguistics in the Department of English and German Studies and the Interuniversitary Institute of Applied Modern Languages (IULMA) at the Universitat de València. His main research interests are in Social and Cognitive Pragmatics, the interface between Corpus Linguistics-Critical Discourse Analysis (especially semantic and discourse prosodies in the negotiation of meaning)and Translation.

He is currently a member of the research group GENTEXT, where he works on the discursive analysis of socio-ideological texts in the digital media. He has recently co-authored articles with Dr. José Santaemilia Ruiz on naming practices and negotiation of meaning in newspaper discourse (Mouton de Gruyter, 2013) and on the linguistic representation of violence against women in Spanish and British contemporary newspapers (Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict, submitted in 2014). His publication in John Benjamins (2016) is a book chapter on news values on violence against women news reports on Spanish and British press with a view on persuasion. Within the above-mentioned project, Dr Maruenda has co-authored gender-based teaching materials for secondary and higher education with an aim to assessing cross-disciplinary competencies.

As for translation and interpreting, he has co-edited a volume (2017) on the onstutional dimensions of specialised translation in Spain (RESLA, John Benjamins). Besides, he has co-authored (with Dr. José Santaemilia Ruiz) two manuals for trainee translators: An Introduction to Translation Practice (PUV, 2012) and Introducción a la Traducción Jurídica Inglés-Español: Textos y Ejercicios (Tirant lo Blanch, 2018). He has given a number of talks on the teaching of translation through Project-based Learning and on teaching English language for translators. As for translation pedagogy, he is currently working on the in-class implementation of cooperation programmes to assist NGOs with translation or interpreting needs. He has also collaborated in the translation of educational materials for several NGOs.



PDI-Ayudante Doctor/A

Campus dels Tarongers, Facultat d'Economia, despatx 2P20 Dilluns 9:30-10:30 i dimecres 10:30-12:30


Laura Miñano Mañero holds a PhD in Language, Literature and Culture, and its Applications from the University of Valencia, Spain. She has recently joined the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Valencia as an assistant professor. Her research focuses on language contact, translation and interpretation in extreme contexts, postmemory and intergenerational transmission of trauma, specially focusing on second-generation Holocaust survivors, Holocaust and gender literary studies, and animal metaphorization and representation in Holocaust literature.



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat

Purificación Ribes Traver is Full Professor of English at the University of Valencia, Spain. She has been Director of the Doctoral Programme in English and German Literary Studies 646-155E (1999-2004); Director of the Master’s Degree Programme in Advanced English Studies (2014-2019) and member of the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Programme in Language, Literature and Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Media Studies (2014-2019).

She has been Head of several research projects on the edition, translation and reception of Early Modern English Literature and has gained official recognition for five six-year periods of international quality research activity.

Her publications include bilingual annotated editions of John Donne’s Songs and Sonnets (Cátedra) and Ben Jonson’s Volpone (Cátedra); bilingual editions of Ausias March’s poems; a monograph on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; the co-edition of a volume on the Reception of the Classics (Univ. of Valencia); Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century English Literature: An Anthology; a number of book chapters on John Donne’s religious poetry (Peter Lang), Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis (Reichenberger), Burnand’s Venus and Adonis (Hakkert), the Spanish reception of Lear’s Fool (Folly in Llull, Cervantes & Shakespeare), the Spanish reception of Jonson’s Volpone (Delaware), Mock-Heroic Poetry (Routledge), as well as numerous articles on Early Modern English Literature in specialized journals such as Modern Language Review (Editing Tourneur’s Volpone), Comparative Drama (American reception of Tourneur’s Volpone), The Journal of English Studies (handwritten miscellanies of the Seventeenth century), International Education Studies (competency-based teaching of Shakespeare), and International Journal of Higher Education (Teaching Petrarchan and Anti-Petrarchan Discourses in Early Modern English Lyrics), among others.



PDI-Prof. Permanent Laboral Ppl
Coordinador/a de Mobilitat

(9638) 64185


Alicia Ricart Vayá is Associate Professor at the Department of English and German Philology of Valencia since 2010. She has been teaching ESP in the degrees of Tourism, Medicine, Nursing, Podiatry, Physiotherapy and English Language in the degree of English Studies. She has been teaching English for Specific Purposes from 2002 to 2010 at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where she conducted her European Ph.D in 2008, entitled: “An ESP Comparative Analysis in Medical Research Articles. English-Spanish”. At the present time she is a member of the Research Institute on Applied Linguistics. Her main fields of research include Contrastive Rhetoric, Corpus Linguistics, Professional Communication, Discourse Analysis, Translation and Second Language Acquisition.



PDI-Titular d'Universitat

Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Universitat de València Blasco Ibáñez, 32, 46010 València

(9616) 25551


Andreea Rosca currently works as an Associate Professor of English language and linguistics at the University of Valencia (Spain). Previously, she worked as an ESP teacher at the Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Zaragoza) for almost three years. In 2012 she obtained an international Ph.D. in cognitive linguistics from the University of La Rioja (Spain). The University of La Rioja awarded her the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in 2015 for her doctoral thesis and her research work. Her research interests are Cognitive Linguistics, corpus linguistics, construction grammar, language pedagogy and English for Specific Purposes.

She has carried out funded research stays at the University of California (2011, the United States), the University of Pavia (2015, Italy), the University of Birmingham (2018, United Kingdom), the University of Genoa (2019, Italy) and the University of Josip Juraj Strossmayer (2022, Croatia). She has also been a guest professor within the Erasmus+ programs at the West University of Timisoara (Romania) in 2022 and at Altinbas University (Turkey) in 2023.

She has published several articles in well-known European and international journals such as RESLA (Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada), VIAL. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, Atlantis: Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies, Onomázein, ESP Today Journal, and Revue Roumaine de Linguistique (Romanian Review of Linguistics). She is the author of the book Phrasal verbs through the lens of Cognitive Linguistics (PUV 2021); co-editor of the volume Telecolaborative Networks and Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age (Comares 2021); and guest editor of volume 19 of the journal IJES (International Journal of English Studies, 2019). Her book chapters have also appeared in books published by publishers such as Comares, Tirant lo Blanch and Peter Lang.

She has also participated in the editing of the online project Bibliography of Metaphor and Metonymy (John Benjamins) since 2012 and Wörterbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Dictionaries of Linguistic Science and Communication, De Gruyter).

She is a member of the Interuniversity Institute of Applied Modern Languages (IULMA) at the University of Valencia (Spain) and member of the research groups “SILVA” (Group of Support for Investigation in Language Variation Analysis) and “CORPLING (Corpus Linguistics: Developments and applications)”.



PDI-Titular d'Universitat

Instituto Interuniversitario de Lenguas Modernas Aplicadas. Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, FFTiC, despacho 48. Grupos de investigación SILVA y TALIS. (9633) 95033 (9638)228433

(9616) 28433


PhD in Applied Linguistics from the Universitat Politècnica de València and lecturer in the English area of the Department of English and German Philology at the Universitat de València. She was the beneficiary of an FPI predoctoral scholarship funded by the Generalitat Valenciana for an international PhD (CAMILLE-UPV research group and University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States). She has a degree in English Philology as well as in French Philology from the Universitat de València, where she was awarded the Award for the Outstanding Graduate of the Year.

She belongs to the Interuniversity Research Institute of Modern Applied Languages ​​(IULMA) and to the research groups SILVA and TALIS. She is the director of the research project iTECLA: Innovative Telecollaborative Environments of Languages for Specific Purposes Acquistion, funded by Valencia’s regional government (Generalitat Valenciana); and co-director of the TALIS project: Tales from the Philippines, funded by the UNESCO Chair of the Universitat de València. She has also participated in numerous research and innovation projects.

She has organized and participated in numerous international conferences, and has published books (Editorial Comares), book chapters (Springer, De Gruyter, Equinox, Cambridge Scholars) and articles in indexed journals (Computers & Human Behavior, British Journal of Educational Technology, Iberia and Revista de Educación a Distancia, among others).

She has completed research stays at the University of Costa Rica; UNICAMP, Brazil; Universidad de Lisboa, Portugal; Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada; and UMass Amherst, United States. She has also been guest lecturer within the Erasmus + and Global Faculty programmes at Grenoble School of Management, France; Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Querétaro, Mexico; the University of Iceland; Aalto University, Finland; and Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.

Her teaching at the UV includes English for Specific Purposes (Business English III, Degree in International Business), applied linguistics (Advanced linguistic commentary, Master's Degree in Research in Languages and Literatures, Interpersonal Communication across Genres, Master's in Advanced English Studies) and teacher training (Teaching and Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language, Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching).

Her research interests include Computer-Assisted Language Learning Teaching and Assessment, English for Specific Purposes, teacher training and the design of resources for educational innovation, and intercultural communication through virtual exchange.



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat


PDI-Titular d'Universitat
Coordinador/a Curs

Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya Despatx 64 Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 32 46010 València

(9638) 64149


Miguel Teruel imparte clases de Literatura Inglesa y Traducción Literaria desde 1987, principalmente en la Universitat de València, donde participa en el Màster en Estudis Anglesos Avançats y en el Màster en Traducció Creativa i Humanística; también colabora con la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón (Màster d'Investigació en Traducció i Interpretació) y con la Fundación ADEIT Universidad-Empresa (Máster en Literatura comparada y crítica cultural). Es el coordinador de Prácticas Externas del Grado en Estudios Ingleses.

Estancias de investigación: Sheffield University (1985), The Shakespeare Centre at Stratford-upon-Avon (1989), Huddersfield University (1994), Nottingham Trent University (2004), University of the Highlands and Islands (2015).


Traducciones al español:

—Giuseppe Ungaretti Día tras día (1992, con Sabina Morello)

—Lord Byron Don Juan (1994, con Juan Vicente Martínez Luciano y María José Coperías)

—Jim Cartwright Calle (1994, con Jorge Picó)

—John Keats Poemas escogidos (1997, con Juan Vicente Martínez Luciano y Pedro Nicolás)

—Thomas de Quincey Confesiones de un inglés comedor de opio (1997)

—Tom Stoppard Arcadia (2000) y Rosencrantz y Guildenstern están muertos (2003, ambas con Jorge Picó), La disolución de Dominic Boot y Tú serías Pura, y yo Franco (2010)

—Manuel Boix El rostre/El rostro/The Visage (Traducción al inglés, 2002)

—Heiner Müller Descripción de un cuadro, El viaje, Todos somos kanakos, La República Kanaka (2004, 2006 y 2007, con Ana Rosa Calero)

—Timberlake Wertenbaker El amor del ruiseñor (2006, con Jorge Picó)

—Richard Berengarten Manual: las manos y la luz, PoemasLuz negra y En cambio (2008, 2011, 2012 y 2021, con Paul Derrick)

—William Shakespeare Macbeth, Romeo y Julieta, Noche de Reyes, Hamlet, Antonio y Cleopatra, La tempestad, y Bien está lo que bien acaba (desde 1987, con la Fundación Shakespeare de España).

Shakespeare a Benicàssim (2013 y 2014, con Jorge Picó, Sergi López, Vicent Montalt y Pilar Ezpeleta)

Anne Frater Anns a’ Chànan Chùbhraidh / En la lengua fragante (Traducción del gaélico escocés, 2016)

L.S. Phibbs Reunión de madres y La pierna de Jim (2023, con Paula Llorens)


Ediciones digitales (en EMOTHE):

—Edición y traducción de Antonio y Cleopatra, de William Shakespeare (2012)

—Edición de la traducción de Jorge Salavert de La duquesa de Malfi, de John Webster (2014)

—Edición de Endymion, de John Lily (2016)

—Edición de A Trick to Catch the Old One, de Thomas Middleton (2017)

—Edición de The Malcontent, de John Marston (2017, con Sonia Perelló)

—Edición de la traducción de Rosa Díaz de Endimión, de John Lily (2018)


Obras críticas:

Tom Stoppard: La escritura de la parodia (1994)

A Guide to the Shakespearean Scene (1994)

—"Translating Shakespeare: The Rhetorical Challenge and Performability” (1995)

—"Traducción y parodia en la poesía de Ezra Pound" (1995)

—"Revisión y reescritura: De Quincey y Wordsworth" (1999)

—"'No More Mularkey': una lectura de los Selected Poems de Simon Armitage" (2002)

—"Ovidi, Metamorfosis, Ted Hughes" (2005, con Vicent Montalt)

—"Lecturas inglesas del mito de Filomela" (2006)

Cruzando la Frontera (2007, con Ana Rosa Calero y Domingo Pujante)

—"Traducir a Shakespeare: la palabra del actor" (2009, con Pilar Ezpeleta y Vicent Montalt)

Nineteenth-Century Literature: A Reader (2012, con Laura Monrós).

—"'Gallivanting Round the Globe': Translating National Identities in Henry V” (2012, con Vicent Montalt y Pilar Ezpeleta)

—"Three Ways of Looking at a Nightingale: The Tale of Philomela by Ted Hughes, Timberlake Wertenbaker and Joanna Laurens” (2013)

"Remando de noche: una interpretación" en Donald Wellman Remando de noche (2015, con Nicolás Estévez y Francisca González)

—"Anns a’ Chànan Chùbhraidh/En la lengua fragante: Translating Scottish Gaelic Poetry" (2017)


Tesis doctorales dirigidas:

—Alberto Mira Nouselles Secreto a voces: Enunciación y homosexualidad en el texto teatral. Tennessee Williams y Joe Orton (1995, con Juan Vicente Martínez Luciano)

—Joaquim Anyó i Oliver Tirant lo Blanc i Shakespeare: Les fonts de ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ (2001, con Cesáreo Calvo)

—Ana Rosa Calero Valera Las obras de Heiner Müller en torno a Shakespeare: reescritura paródica (2001, con Brigitte Jirku)

—María Ruth Noriega Sánchez Between Worlds: A Comparative Study of Magic Realist Strategies in African American, Native American, Chicano, and Mexican Contemporary Women’s Writing (2001)

—Abdelrhaffar Bourkiba Larbi Parody and Ideology: The Case of ‘Othello’ (2005)

—Adelaida Blasco Cerezuela ‘When Shall We Three Meet Again?’: ‘Macbeth’ en ocho momentos de la historia del teatro inglés (2008)

—Anna Marí Aguilar La recepció del teatre británic contemporani a l’estat espanyol: 1956-2004 (2009, con Juan Vicente Martínez Luciano)

—Laura Monrós Gaspar Classical Myths on the Victorian Popular Stage: The Figure of Cassandra (2009, con Carmen Morenilla)

—María Gaviña Costero Érase una vez Ballybeg: la obra dramática de Brian Friel y su repercusión en España (2011)

—Miguel Ángel Jordán Enamorado Análisis del estilo literario de Jane Austen (2017)

—Mayron Estefan Cantillo Lucuara Michael Field's Sapphism: a Tiresian ontology of openness between life and death in ‘Long Ago’ (1889) (2019, con Laura Monrós)


Ponencias recientes:

—“Breviario para traductores (de teatro)” (La Nucia, 2007)

—"'Gallivanting Round the Globe': Translating Identities in Henry V” (Praga, 2011, con Vicent Montalt y Pilar Ezpeleta)

—“La poesía inglesa en el período de Entreguerras: de Wilfred Owen a W. H. Auden” (Valencia, 2012)

—“Wrighting (Shakespeare, Translation) for the Stage” (Toulouse, 2012)

—“Verdi Plays Shakespeare: el ejemplo de Macbetto” (Valencia, 2013)

—“La Gran Guerra de Joe Sacco: el horror bélico en el cómic” (Valencia, 2014)

—“Donar a Shakespeare noves identitats en el context català: estudi d’un cas particular” (Valencia, 2015, con Vicent Montalt y Pilar Ezpeleta)

—”’What ish My Nation?’: Translating and Performing the Four Captains Scene from Henry V” (Toulouse, 2015, con Pilar Ezpeleta y Vicent Montalt)

—”Byron, Waterloo, y el baile de la Duquesa de Richmond” (Valencia, 2015)

—”Forasteros en las obras de Shakespeare: lenguaje, representación y traducción” (Valencia, 2016, con Vicent Montalt y Pilar Ezpeleta)

—”Scottish Gaelic Women Poets in the Nineteenth Century: A Translation into Spanish of Poems by Màiri Nic a’ Phearsain” (Málaga, 2017)

—”Poesía y naturaleza: un recorrido con varios poetas en inglés del s. XIX a la actualidad” (Conferencia, Instituto López Piñero, UJI, 2023)


Trabajos de Fin de Máster:

—Saturnino Figueroa Los orígenes de la literatura de terror: la novela gótica inglesa (2013)

—Antonio Francisco Muñoz Recepción de ‘El Quijote’ en la prensa estadounidense durante el conflicto de Cuba (1856-1900) (2013, con Jesús Tronch)

—Mayron Cantillo Lucuara Welcome to Thebes: encuentro bélico-feminista entre la antigua Grecia y la actual Liberia (2014, con Laura Monrós)

—Miguel Ángel Jordán Enamorado ‘Northanger Abbey’: análisis de la adaptación cinematográfica y de la traducción para el doblaje y la subtitulación en español (2015)

—Lourdes Pérez Collado The Influence of the English Gothic Novel in Spain: An Analysis of the ‘Legends’ of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (2015)

—Mónica Martínez Castells Interculturalité et Postcolonialisme: ‘Garçon Manqué’ de Nina Bouraoui et ‘Kiffe Kiffe Demain’ de Faïza Guène (2016, con Ignacio Ramos Gay)

—Cristina Llamedo Ossorio La senda del perdedor: de Céline a Bukowski (2017, con Evelio Miñano Martínez)

—Marc Avinent Vivó Rude and Crude: ‘Viz’ Comic and the Parodic Game (2017)

—Jorge Martínez Alcaide La figura del pirata en la literatura de aventuras (2019)

—Virginia Coll Rodríguez Publishing Jane Austen: The Reception of Jane Austen in Spain and a Stemmatic Analysis of Her Spanish Translations (2019, con Laura Monrós)

—Zalina Baroeva Speech as the Means of Characterization in ‘Pygmalion’ by B. Shaw (2019)

—Teresa Coll Collado An Analysis of ‘Fight Club’ 's Film Adaptation and its Translation into Spanish: Dubbing, Subtitles and Audiovisual Language (2021)

—Kong Honghong Translation of Linguistic Culture in Chinese Subtitling of TV Series ‘Mad Men’  (2022)

—Ambrosio Reus Crespo A Bibliographical Review of J.R.R. Tolkien's Works in Spanish (2023)



PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat

Despatx núm. 10 Av. Blasco Ibáñez 32 46010 València

(9639) 83589


Jesús Tronch Pérez is Professor of English at the University of Valencia, where he teaches English literature and creative translation.
    His research focuses on the transmission and editing of early modern English drama (often in comparison with Spanish play-texts), the reception and translation of Shakespeare in Spain, and  on the use of digital technologies in this research. He has published A Synoptic 'Hamlet' (2002), and Un primer 'Hamlet'  (1994), co-edited bilingual English-Spanish editions of The Tempest (1994) and Antony and Cleopatra (2001), and, with Clara Calvo, a critical edition of The Spanish Tragedy for the Arden Early Modern Drama series (2013). He has also written essays for book collections published by MLA, Palgrave, University of Delaware Press, Cambridge University Press, Routledge, Peter Lang, Iter Press, Firenze UP, and articles and reviews on journals such as Shakespeare Survey, Cahiers Élisabéthains, Critical Survey, SEDERI, TEXT: An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies, Hipogrifo; Atlantis, Shakespeare Quarterly, and Shakespeare Jahrbuch.
      At present, he is editing Timon of Athens for the Internet Shakespeare Editions, through the LEMDO platform, editing Richard Duke of York and Henry VI Part Three for The Oxford Marlowe Collected Works; and co-directing with Joan Oleza the EMOTHE Project, an open-access, database and digital library of early modern European theatre. He is Principal Investigator of the related research projects funded by the Spanish government PID2022-136431NB-C65, PID2019-104045GB-C54 (both as part of the coordinated ASODAT project) and FFI2016-80314-P. In 2009 he joined the ARTELOPE research group at the University of Valencia, which initiated the multilingual EMOTHE Digital Library.  Since 2015, he is director the HIERONIMO Project on early modern English drama in translation (funded in 2016-2017 by Generalitat Valenciana, the Valencian autonomous government). In 2010-2011, he was a researcher in the project "Shakespeare in Spain within the framework of his European reception" based at the University of Murcia.
      From April 2009 to May 2017, he was the Secretary-Treasurer of SEDERI, the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies. He was a member of the Conference Committee of the International Shakespeare Association (2007-2011), is presently a member of the Advisory Board of the International Shakespeare Conference, and referees for a number of journals such as Shakespeare, Shakespeare Jahrbuch, Cahiers Élisabéthains, SEDERI, Amaltea, Diablotexto, Atlantis, and Language and Literature.
      From November 2010 to August 2021 he was the coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in English Studies of the Universitat de València.