Spanish Culture and Civilization
Unit 1. The cultural shock of foreign students in Spain.
Unit 2. Geography, population and society: Spanish diversity: languages, cultures and landscapes.
Unit 3. Public and private space: the street, the family and the home. Women. The social movements.
Unit 4. Work, leisure and education. Nightlife. Football as an element of identity.
Unit 5. Spain and religion: Religion and culture. Evolution of religious practices in Spain. Catholicism and religious diversity.
Unit 6. Festivals and gastronomy: The functions of festivals in modernity. Bullfights and other bullfighting shows. The Festival of Fallas. The variety of Spanish gastronomy.
Unit 7. Music and mass culture: Folk music and mass musical genres.
Unit 8. Spanish literature of the 20th-21st century.
Unit 9. Spanish cinema of the 20th-21st century.
Unit 10. Mass media.
Recent History of the Western World
Unit 1. Studying the present: chronology, problems and challenges.
Unit 2. A world of blocs: Global Cold War and the construction of the Welfare State.
Unit 3. Expanding the concept of freedom: the fight for civil rights of Afro-Americans, women and LGBT groups.
Unit 4. The emancipation of the peripheries: decolonization and the emergence of the Third World.
Unit 5. Latin America: from the new dictatorships to the New Social Movements.
Unit 6. Social achievements in danger: from the 1973 crisis to that of 2008.
Unit 7. The end of the bipolar world: collapse of the USSR and new international order in the 21st century.
Unit 8. The world today: globalization, migrations, new conflicts and environmental emergency.
Introduction to Local Development
Most of the processes that affect people's lives take place at the local level, although until recently this area had hardly been taken into account when designing, planning and managing public action. Local empowerment allows to 'create' effective solutions to the problems and difficulties faced by a local community, and contributes to promoting local potentialities to achieve an 'optimal' situation. This only happens from a framework of reflection and strategic action that includes a rigorous analysis of its present situation and the strict characterization of the territorial baseline, the determination of a preferred and viable model of territory for the future, and the identification and implementation of the strategies that will make it possible to achieve this model.
Social Economy
Unit 1. Values, cooperative principles and social economy.
Unit 2. The institutions of the social economy in Spain.
a) Entities of the Spanish social economy classified by institutional sector.
Unit 3. The evolution of the social economy.
Unit 4. The social economy in modern market economies.
a) Economic functions of the social economy.
Unit 5. Policies aimed at the social economy.
Unit 6. Democracy, effectiveness of economic policy and political reform.
Unit 7. The components of the cooperative social economy, mutual benefit societies, associations, labor companies.
Unit 8. The cooperative company. Socio-economic structure.
Unit 9. Participation and democracy in cooperative companies.
Unit 10. The Social Economy and its impact on local development.
Tourism and Local Development
Unit 1. Introduction: the role of tourism in territorial economic development.
Unit 2. Tourism territorial resources in local planning processes.
Unit 3. The tourist product.
Unit 4. Local development and tourism.
Unit 5. Importance of the sustainable management of tourist territorial resources for local development.
Entrepreneurship in Tourist Activity
Unit 1. Theoretical basis of entrepreneurship in tourist activities.
Unit 2. Business innovation in Spain.
Unit 3. Comprehensive study of the territory, how to detect a business opportunity.
Unit 4. The agents involved in promoting the creation of tourism companies. Support for entrepreneurs.
Unit 5. How to design and define a business model applied to tourism. Search for economic resources.
Unit 6. Tourism business models in the Valencian Community, examples of good and bad practices.
Unit 7. Indicators of business success.
Unit 8. Systems of indicators of territorial sustainability.
Unit 9: The socioeconomic impact generated by a tourism company in the territory.