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The Erasmus Placement Programme offers financial support to University of Valencia students and recent UV graduates who wish to carry out a traineeship (sometimes called internship or work placement) at an institution, organisation or company located in one of the European countries taking part in the Erasmus+ programme.


General FAQ  (Updated for the 2021-2022 academic year)


1.What is the amount of the Erasmus Internship scholarship?


The amount of the scholarship depends on the country where the internship takes place according to the following groups. For the call 2021-2022 they are:

Group 1 

Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, and Sweden

460 euros/month

Group 2

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal

410 euros/month

Group 3

Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and the former Republic of North Macedonia

360 euros/mont



2. Is there any other complementary help?


Yes. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds (beneficiaries of a general scholarship from the MECD in the 2020/2021 academic year or who have the status of refugees or with the right to subsidiary protection or who have submitted an application for international protection in Spain) will receive an additional help of 250 euros per month.


3. What is the minimum and maximum duration to receive the Erasmus Internship grant?


Minimum duration: 2 months

Maximum duration financed: 5 months * (the duration of the internship may be longer than 5 months, but the extra months will not be funded by the Erasmus + program, although they are considered part of the scholarship).

* Depending on the budget finely allocated by SEPIE, the maximum number of months financed may be modified.


4.When can I do an Erasmus Internship?


Start and end dates must be between September 15, 2021 and September 30, 2022.

In addition, the internship cannot begin until 15 days after the end of the period in which you request them. This means that, if for example the term ends on January 29, until at least February 14 you could not start and therefore the contract start date must be that and not before.



5. Should I find the host entity or will the University look for it?


The search for the host entity is part of the content of the practice and should be the responsibility of the student, although we help you in the search in the following ways:

· The Internship Commission of the center compiles the offer of internships which will also include entities located in the international sphere. This list is made up of the entities provided by ADEIT and the contacts that the internship coordinator or other member of the center may have.

· On the International Relations website (, in the section Erasmus Internships> Outgoing> Find an institution, you will find useful links to entities that offer internships, and also the list of companies where other students have been doing their practices. You can see it here.


 6. Can I modify the internship period?


Yes, in a motivated way, as long as it is in the same host entity, before finishing your internship and with the approval of the entity and the internship coordinator.

To do this you have to send from your university email (@ to our email the document "Addendum for modifications in the internship agreement" that you can find here.


 7. If I request an extension, will I also charge for that period?


Taking into account that only 5 months can be financed, if the extension does not exceed this maximum, it would be charged.

If, when requesting the extension, you exceed the 12 or 24-month count of the Erasmus grant, it cannot be granted.


 8. If I do not have the nationality of the country where I am studying, can I participate in the program?


Yes, as long as you have a valid nationality or residence permit in one of the countries participating in the Erasmus + program or in third countries; In this case, you must prove that you are in possession of a valid permit to reside in Spain during the period of the mobility.

If you are from a non-European country, you should check with the consulate or embassy of the destination country if you need to process any type of permit or visa.


 9. If I have already enjoyed the Erasmus Studies grant, can I apply for the Erasmus Internship grant?


Yes. Provided that, added to the study and internship period, you do not exceed the maximum total of 12 months in each of the training cycles (bachelor's or master's degree). This limit is 24 months in the degrees of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Double Degree in Pharmacy and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics as they are degrees from which you can access the doctorate). The computation of these 12 or 24 months will include:

• Erasmus stays that have been carried out without financial funding.

• The Erasmus stays that the student had enjoyed in previous courses within the framework of the lifelong learning program of the European Union.


Thus, if you have enjoyed, for example, an Erasmus Studies stay for a total of 6 months in your undergraduate studies, you still have 6 months to carry out Erasmus mobility, either as Erasmus Studies again or as Erasmus Internships.


10. So, if I leave for more than five months, what exceeds does not count towards the maximum of 12 months, does it?


Yes it counts. The Erasmus Internship scholarship includes the funded months and also those that are not funded, since your contract must include the entire internship period.


11. What is the Training Agreement or “Practice Agreement”?


It is the document equivalent to the "Learning Agreement" for studies. It is a personalized document that includes: the work or work program to be carried out, the results at the level of knowledge, skills and abilities to be acquired, the tutoring activities, the recognition to be obtained after the internship, etc.

Also, in the case of modality A, remember that you must sign the curricular internship agreement provided by ADEIT, following the usual procedure for your degree. If you have doubts, you should consult the secretariat of your center.


 12. What are the language requirements?


The host institution will be in charge of evaluating the candidate's linguistic competence for the internship. It is not necessary to accredit linguistic knowledge to the University of Valencia.


13 - When will I collect the scholarship?


The first term of your scholarship (70%) once you arrive at your destination and present the documentation of incorporation by Online Office UV

The second term of the scholarship (30%) upon completion and submitting the completion documentation by Online Office UV

More information here


14 - I want to upload documents through Online Office UV, but I do not understand, how can I do it?


First of all, make sure you are in the correct procedure within “my procedures” and “Erasmus Internship File”, since there are several mobility programs and it is easy to get confused when choosing it.

If you have received a notification, you must attend it first and then upload the documents that we request. Here you have a link with instructions on how to attend a notification that can help you.

You also have here a link to the procedure to upload documentation at any time during the procedure.


  15. Can I apply for the Erasmus Internship grant twice?


Yes. Within the same cycle (Bachelor's or Master's) you can request it in different calls, but for different modalities, as long as you do not exceed the Erasmus limit of 12 or 24 months.

That is, you can, for example, request modality A for the 2021-2022 academic year and in the 2022-2023 academic year apply for modality B, as long as you meet the requirements for both cases.

In no case can the same type of scholarship (A or B) be requested twice for the same call.


16 - Due to the coronavirus, the company offers me to do the internships online, is it possible?


Yes, there are currently three types of mobility: face-to-face, mixed and virtual.

You have to take into account the indications that were published on the occasion of the pandemic in the 2020-21 academic year, since the same criteria will be applied for the mobilities of the 2021-22 academic year regarding the collection of the scholarship.

In application of these indications, in the event that the participant performs a physical mobility (that is, the participant moves and resides in the host country) and follows the activity in the host country in person, mixed or virtual ( online), you will be entitled to receive the stipulated mobility aid.

Here you have general information about the measures taken by the Vice President regarding mobility and the health crisis situation.


17 - My mobility for the 2021-2022 academic year has been canceled due to the pandemic and I have not joined, can I postpone it to the next academic year?


No. It is not possible to postpone the internship to the 2022-2023 academic year.


18 - Who is my coordinator?


You can consult the internship coordinator of your center here.

You can consult the mobility coordinator for your degree here.


19. When can I request the Erasmus Internship scholarship for the academic year 2021-2022?


The call will be published in June. You can see it on our website and we will also disseminate it on social networks.


20. Erasmus + for higher education students. Frequently Asked Questions

The questions and answers of the European Commission on various programs.


FAQ Erasmus Internship in Mode A



21. What requirements do I have to complete to apply for the Erasmus Practices in modality A?


• Be enrolled in an official degree from the University of Valencia (Grau or Master) and which is in the seu pla d'estudis practices integrated curriculars.

• There are no surpasses in the assignments of integrated curricular internships in the official degree for which the scholarship is requested.

• That the computation of the duration of the internship that you wish to carry out, added to the Erasmus stays that you carry out in the cycle, does not exceed 12 months (or 24 months if you are a student of the Degree in Medicine, Dentistry, Farmàcia ii Double Degree in Farmàcia i en Nutrició Humana i Dietètica).

• You have been assigned an integrated curricular internship confirmed by the training institution and by the center's internship committee.


22. I would like to do international internships during the academic year 2021-2022. What is the procedure for mode A?


The procedure is the same as that of the request for external practices of national ambit. This procedure is established by the Practice Committee of each center. Consultation with the secretary of the teu center about the conditions and terms of application for an external internship.


23. There is an entity for the curricular practices. What do I have to do?


If you have received the acceptance of the acolliment institution, you have to present the proposed theory following the instructions of the teaching center, in order to advise the approval of the curricular practice proposal.


24. Once signed, the approval of the best curricular practice proposal. Can you ask for any financial aid for the realization of practical sessions?


The Vice-Rectorat d'Internacionalització i Cooperació of the University of Valencia publishes annually the call for Erasmus Practices scholarships for all students of the University of Valencia who have been assigned an internship of the seu grau or official master in an entity located in a third European country participating in the Erasmus + program. More information here.


 25. Can I do international curricular practices without to apply for an Erasmus scholarship Practices?


Yes. In these cases, you just have to formalize the documents that are required at the teu center to request them.


 26. How do I apply for the Erasmus Practices scholarship?


The terms of presentation of applications for Erasmus Practices for the course 2021-2022 are the following, both for modality A and B:

• First term: from the request to the publication of the call in the DOGV ends on * July 16, 2021, two incloses.

• According to termini: from 1 to 21 October 2021, tots two incloses

• Third term: from January 10 to January 31, 2022, total of two incloses.

• Quarter period: from April 4 to 29, 2022, two incloses


Important: Hi there are centers that, due to the internship assignment procedure, cannot offer the first term to their students. Inquire at the teu center quan es millor fer la sol·licitud.

It is for the request for internships quan tingues the company sought in qualsevol dels terminis that obrim during the course, but tenint en compte that in cap cas you can start the internships fins a passats 15 days from the end of the presentation end of sol·licituds corresponent.


27. Can you ask for the Erasmus Practices scholarship first and after?


No. Review question 25 on quan fer la teua sol·licitud.


28. How present the application for curricular internships?


You have to present the request to Online Office UV in the termini that allows you to start the practices with the foreseen tingues, and have in full the indications of question 25.

More information here.


29. What documentation do I have to submit both the application for curricular internships?


• Document accrediting an internship assigned by the Commission of Practices of the corresponding center.

• Also s'ha d'incloure l'Annex II of the call, Acord de Practiques, deed emplenat and sign for the three parts (student, company and mobility coordinator of the corresponding degree, or director of the Master) .


30. Can you have an Erasmus Studies scholarship and an Erasmus Practices scholarship in the academic course?


Yes. You can be a beneficiary of Erasmus Studies and Erasmus Practices during the academic year, as long as it continues in different and independent periods. For example, Erasmus Studies during the first quarter and Erasmus Practices during the second quarter.

In order to grant the scholarship in these cases, it is an essential requirement to have presented through Online Office UV the documentation of the documentation required for the Erasmus scholarship to study at least 15 days before the start of the internship.

These scholarships will be awarded conditions to the fulfillment of the specific requirement in that point, for which thing in case of lack of compliance per part of the interest, the scholarship will be canceled.


FAQ Erasmus Internship Modality B


31. What requirements must I meet to apply for the Erasmus Internship in Mode B grant?


• Finish the studies of the official qualification of the University of Valencia for which the scholarship is requested (Bachelor's or Master's) in the year immediately prior to the call, that is, in the 2020/2021 academic year. The student is considered to have finished when his / her academic record shows all the credits necessary to apply for the degree as passed.

• Have the agreement of the company to carry out the practice.


32.- In July I will still not have all my notes in the file to finalize my degree, can I apply for modality B?


Yes. You can submit your application because before you start the internship, we will review your academic record to verify that you have everything approved. The granting of the scholarship is conditional on the completion of your studies.


33.- I want to apply for modality B through Online Office UV, but it does not allow me, what can I do?


It is probably because you have applied for your Bachelor's or Master's degree at your center and you no longer appear as an active student. If so, you have to write us an email to so that we can solve it and give you access through Online Office UV. We recommend not applying for the degree until you have made your application for an Erasmus Internship through Online Office UV


34.- I have pending to present my TFG or TFM in September, can I apply for modality B?


Yes. You can submit your application as long as when you go to do your internship you already have the missing notes in your file.

Therefore, it is advisable to request them to carry them out as early as October.



35. How do I submit the application for modality B?


You must submit the application using the Online Office UV  form within the application period that interests you.

The procedure is "Erasmus Internship File"


36. What documentation must I submit with the application for modality B?


The online application must be accompanied by the Internship Agreement of the corresponding course, duly signed by the three parties (student, company and mobility coordinator of the corresponding degree if it is a Bachelor's degree, or director of the Master). Keep in mind that the contract practice period must begin at the earliest 15 days after the last day of the period in which you request them, but not before.

You have the documents in the "useful documents" tab of our website



Last update:  29/07/2021