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These instructions apply with general character to all the administrative and service staff, civil and non-civil servant staff, linked to the chapter I of the budget of the Universitat de València.

Works that need the output of hours completed out of the normal working day in a determined period.

Time compensation

Generally, the existence of working peak hours in a period or the need of carrying out extraordinary works in a determined moment, will be attended based on the needs of the service through time compensation, according to the person responsible for the administrative unit.

Enhanced rewards for overtime completed out of the ordinary working hours

When justified reasons of organisational nature or of other kind prevent from dealing with these situations through time compensation and when it is needed that the administrative and service civil servant staff carry out extra works out of the normal working day, these have to be remunerated according to the rewards provided by the article 76 d) of the Law 10/2010, Organisation and Management Law of the Valencian Public Service.
The elaboration of these works and the recognition of these rewards by extraordinary services require the previous authorisation of the management in accordance with the model that appears as addendum 1. The authorisation applications, that correspond to the people responsible for the services or administrative units, must include a justifying memoir of the circumstances that motivate the application, the affected staff and a estimation of the hours to be completed out of the normal working day. The works cannot be initiated  until the corresponding authorisation has been received. The justification of the payments will be monthly or bimonthly, without prejudice of what the article 28 of the Regulation of Budget Implementation provides in relation to research projects, contracts or agreements, individually and specifically stating the realisation of the  hours out of the normal working day. In no case these severance pays can be accumulated to the end of the financial period.
The staff with special allowance equal to or greater than 45 € is not worthy of these rewards in accordance with the article 5.2 of the Royal Decree 175/2006, of the Council of the Valencian Government. It is a subjective requirement for the perception of this kind of rewards having a neutral or positive balance in the development of the normal working day. In case of negative balance, only the hours exceeding the compensation of the negative balance can be remunerated. The realisation of extraordinary hours is limited with general character to a maximum of 80 annual hours, only extendable for the civil servant staff in accordance with the express agreement of the Management, paying attention to justified needs that cannot be properly covered otherwise.
The working time out of the normal working day lasting less than 30 minutes is not worthy as extraordinary rewards. These norms have to be applied regardless of the remunerations being payed in accordance with the chapter 1, or in accordance to any specific organic law, included the research projects.

Assistances and rewards for participation in institutional and/or formal acts.

The participation of the staff in exams, tests, formal acts or in any kind of activity organised by the Universitat out of the working day has to be remunerated according to that stablished in the Reglamento de Ejecución Presupuestaria of the Universitat de València.
In these supposes is not necessary the previous authorisation of the Management. The original documentation and the copy of the AD document have to be sent directly to the Payroll Section.

Work occurred with urgent character that cannot be previously planned.

The responsible person of the administrative unit must evaluate the need of carrying out work out of the normal working hour due to an urgent situation that has arisen, what must be communicated as soon as possible to the Management. In this case and with the prior justification of the payment under the terms provided, a maximum of eight hours per person can be rewarded, if it is not possible the time compensation.

Instruction of the Management 3/2013 on the extraordinary services provided out of the working day.