Universitat de ValènciaHuman Resources Service - Technical, Management, Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS-PI) Logo del portal

Teleworking is the modality of remote service provision in which staff can develop the competency content of the job, if the needs of the service allow it, outside the University premises through the use of information and communication technologies. In this type of service provision, which is voluntary and reversible for public employees and is always combined with in-person working days, the conditions required in terms of occupational risk prevention, privacy and data protection and confidentiality, as well as the quality of service and attention to citizens, must be guaranteed.

It is regulated by the Teleworking Regulations for the administrative and services staff of the Universitat de València approved by the Governing Council on February 1st 2022 (ACGUV 14/2022)

Official board publication date: 07/02/2022

Entry into force: The day after its publication on the Official board: 08/02/2022

Objective: The regulation of the modality of the provision of services in teleworking regime in development of article 47 bis of the Basic Statute of the Public Employee.

Beneficiaries: The administrative and services staff of the Universitat de València, both civil servants and employees, who meet the requirements set out in these regulations.

Jobs suitable for teleworking: those that can be carried out autonomously and remotely given their specific characteristics and the means required for their development. (art. 2.2 Regulation)

Jobs NOT suitable for teleworking (art. 2.3 Regulation), in any case, and without prejudice to the exceptions that may be justified in the special teleworking programmes, are the following:

a) Staff occupying the posts of Deputy General Manager or Head of Service.

b) Staff of the General Registry Office.

c) Medical and nursing staff at work.

d) Clinical dental officers.

e) Senior technical staff, mid-level technicians and audiovisual officers.

f) Service coordinators, caretakers and service assistants.

g) Senior technical staff, middle-level technicians and laboratory officers. Curators of scientific collections. Botanical Staff. Senior veterinary technical staff. Medium technical Greenhouse staff.

h) Medium technical staff of human structures.

i) Heads of teams, technical specialists and tradesmen (Botanical Garden).

(j) Computer operators. Heads of operation.

k) Auxiliary bibliographic services staff.

l) Drivers.

m) Trades assistants (sports facilities).

n) Area maintenance managers and maintenance officers.

o) Secretaries of management (senior management, offices of the vice-principals, offices of the deans, centre directorates, offices of the deputy general managers).

p) Staff occupying unique locations which, due to their specific characteristics or the needs of the service, especially considering the attention to the public, are specifically determined in the PTR.


Requirement: Staff taking up a post for the first time must be on the in-person basis for the first three months from the effective date of recruitment, excluding for this purpose the month of August, if applicable.

Teleworking staff shall not be entitled to receive special bonuses for services rendered outside working hours.

Note: Before filling in the application form, you should read the health and safety conditions for the performance of the job, which can be found in Annex II.

Application submission term: From the day after the publication of the Regulations on the official notice board of the Universitat de València. The teleworking modality can become effective from the calendar month following its entry into force.

Teleworking application

1) IMPORTANT: Before accessing the online office, you must download the application form, fill it in, sign it (preferably with an electronic signature) and save it on your PC.

2) The application must be sent through the Electronic Register: Access to the Electronic Register

3) Instructions once inside the procedure:

In the “Agreement" tab, accept the conditions indicated.

In the “General” tab select: Unit type: University, general and central services - Body to which it is addressed: HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - Desired procedure: Unit-specific management and in the drop-down menu: Teleworking.

In the "Presentation and application" tab, fill in both fields (text to be included: the teleworking scheme).

In the "Attached files" tab, click on the first one "Browse" and look for the previously filled in and signed application on the PC and incorporate it.

In the "Finish" tab, accept telematic communications by ticking Yes and "Send".

Note: Requests sent by any other means will be dealt with in the last place.

The decision will be notified through the Online Office (ENTREU), in the section "My procedures" and "Notifications".

Once you have received authorisation from the Management of the Universitat de València to use the teleworking system, you can apply for it at your administrative unit.

The duration of the authorisation to telework is one year, extendable for equal periods. If there is no indication to the contrary at the time of expiry, in accordance with Article 7, it must be deemed to have been extended. This authorisation shall cease to have effect when the applicant moves between administrative units and/or scales, or occupational categories.

Voluntary resignation from the teleworking modality must be made in writing to the person responsible for the service or unit, at least one week prior to the date on which they are to be incorporated into the full in-person modality.

Once a person has been teleworking, he/she is obliged to notify any change of address using the form in Annex III, Request for change of address for teleworking purposes

Enquiries: teletreball@uv.es