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The Board of Directors of the OEB will convene, every year, the National Phase of the Spanish Biology Olympiad which will take place between March and April.

In the National Phase the best students will be selected. The first ones will represent Spain in the International Phase (IBO) and the second ones will represent Spain in the Ibero-American Phase (OIAB).

The tests will consist of a theoretical part and a practical part which will be held on two consecutive days. The details of each test will be communicated to the delegates of each Autonomous Community. The subject matter to be examined includes the contents of the Biology syllabus up to the 2nd year of Batxillerat.

The selected students undertake to follow the guidelines of the Organising Committee for their adequate preparation for the international exams. The location and timetable of the preparation course will be determined each year. It is essential to follow these instructions in order to represent Spain in the International Phases.

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