UVlibrariesUniversitat de València Logo del portal


Open libraries 24 hours and weekends

  • May 16th, 2017
Image de la noticia

The Science Library (Burjassot Campus) and Humanities Library (Blasco Ibáñez Campus) will remain open 24 hours from 15 May to 7 July. The Social Science Library, -1 floor (Tarongers Campus) from 15 May to 30 June. Consult the link of the 24 hours and weekends schedule.

Book availables during overtime opening are those in the open room  and no other services are provided.
To access the library during this period, users will be identified with the university card or any other document which proves that they are university members. ID card could be required to verufy that the user is the card owner.
Users: Students, teachers, administrative and service staff, Rector Peset residence students, people belonging to the institutions that have signed agreements with Universitat de València and members of Alumni UV.
