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Consortium BUVAL participates in the “Lectura més lectors " conference

  • March 13th, 2023

Last Friday, March 10, was held at the Monasterio San Miquel de los Reyes the day "Lectura més lectors” organized by the Directorate General of Culture Patrimoni, of the Generalitat Valenciana.

The BUVAL consortium participated with a stand with material of diffusion of the consortium and the assistance in several conferences.

The session began with the intervention of the General Director of Books and Reading Promotion of the Ministry of Culture, María José Gálvez, with the lecture 'About readers, readers and reading habits', and continued throughout the morning with theoretical presentations on strategies for the promotion of reading.

The conference was attended by Fernando Juárez Urquijo, director of the Public Library of Muskiz (Vizcaya), whose website is an example in the library field for its innovations in the use of social web tools, and the writer Adolfo García Ortega, with a great professional career in the world of publishing, who spoke about the promotion of reading from the point of view of the book.