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  • Estudiants

HACKATHON at the Eduard Boscà Science Library

  • November 2nd, 2021

On November 3, 5, 6 and 9, the HACKATHON will be held at the Eduard Boscà Science Library. A HACKATHON is carried out in order to join forces in a short period of time, working and developing new concepts, ideas and solutions on a specific issue or problem.

In this activity, the enrolled students will be framed in groups in order to develop, in a dynamic and collaborative way, innovative ideas to solve challenges that will arise in the field of agri-food.

The best ideas presented will be awarded and the students will have the opportunity to share them with research groups related to the proposals, promoting an innovative culture and the transfer of ideas and knowledge.

You can check the event's program on the website of the Vice-Rector's Office for Innovation and Transference.