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  • Estudiants

Inauguration of the exhibition "Past and Present" at the Joan Reglà Humanities Library

  • April 28th, 2022
Past and present
Past and present

"Past and present. 100 years doing archaeology at the University of Valencia" is a cultural event for the enjoyment of society. The aim is to show a glimpse of the history of the Archaeology Laboratory, the research topics addressed and the knowledge generated over a century of work by all the people who have worked in this laboratory.

The exhibition recalls the most important milestones of this century of existence, and how the evolution of history has influenced the work of the laboratory. We also dedicate a space to research and show the topics that have been addressed since the foundation of the Laboratory.

The exhibition will display original pieces from collaborating institutions, and a selection of materials with which we try to make a journey through the societies of the past, and show the work of the people who have contributed to their knowledge.

The exhibition opens on Tuesday 3 May at 19:00 at the Joan Reglà Humanitites Library and will remain open until 11 September 2022.