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  • Estudiants

Winners of the iPad and sweatshirts

  • July 8th, 2020

An iPad draw has been made between the students who answered the “Satisfaction and Opinion Survey of the Libraries and Documentation Service”.

The winner of the iPad is Mónica Elisabeth Bauza D’Auria, a postgraduate student from the Faculty of Medicine. 5 sweatshirts have been also given among the teaching staff that answered the survey and other 5 sweatshirts among the staff of the Libraries and Documentation Service.

The winners of the sweatshirts are the following professors:

  • Rosa Mª Hernández Andrés, Óptica i Optometria i Ciències de la Visió, Facultat de Física
  • Diana Mª González Pastor, Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació
  • Mª Reyes Mestre Barberá, Comptabilitat, Facultat d’Economia
  • Alejo Eixea Vilanova, Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga, Facultat de Geografia i Història
  • Raul Gisbert Cantó, Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació

The fortunate on the Libraries and Documentation Service staff are:

  • Ana Lorente Campos, Biblioteca d’Humanitats
  • José Enrique Ucedo Vela, Seccions Centrals de l’SBD
  • José Luis Vilar González, Biblioteca d’Humanitats
  • Bárbara Marco Navarro, Biblioteca Històrica
  • José Ulloa Velázquez, Arxiu Intermedi

We want to thank all of you for your participation. We will try to improve our services making use of the responses, suggestions and observations we received from this survey.